Tour Hassan
Tour Hassan Tour Hassan Tour Hassan Tour Hassan Tour Hassan Tour Hassan Tour Hassan
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"The capital of Morocco, on the Atlantic coast, Rabat began as a Phoenician and later Carthaginian and Roman trading port, some traces of which are still left. After the Arab conquest, it became a fortified military camp and was used as a base for campaigns in Spain by the first of the Almohad sultans of Morocco, Abd el Mumene, in the twelfth century. His grandson Yacoub el Mansour ("the Conqueror"), the son of a black slave, came to power in 1184. A dynamic ruler, he pushed farther into Spain and brought back Christian captives to work as slaves on his mighty building projects in Rabat, which he made his capital. Sections still survive of the town walls that he built, as does his main city gate, the handsome Bab Oudaia, but his mightiest project of all was to be the Mosque el Hassan. Intended to celebrate a victory over the Spaniards at Alarcos, it was to be big enough to hold his entire army, but Yacoub died in 1199, too soon to complete it. The mosque's principal survivor, and now the symbol of the city, is the minaret, or Tour Hassan. Its name, which means "beautiful tower," is justified. The red stone tower stands 140 feet (44 m) high, though it was intended to be almost double that height. Each of the six stories has a single room, and a wide ramp runs up inside the building, up which the sultan had intended to ride his horse. At the other end of the original mosque site is the Mausoleum of King Mohammed V, which was built in the 1960s."


"Une très belle tour et très impressionnante "


"Joli, notamment au coucher du soleil "


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