Stavkirke d'Urnes
Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes Stavkirke d'Urnes
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"Build in 1130 - unesco place"


"più antica chiesa in Norvegia, visita giudata da 45 min in inglese interessante il bar gamlefjosen nelle vicinanze (enogastronomia di dolci/ panorama)"


"UNESCO World Heritage The church at Urnes has two claims to fame. The wooden structure is one of the oldest surviving examples of a stave church, a traditional style of building that is one of Norway's contributions to the field of architecture. It also boasts some remarkable ornamental details, which have given their name to the style of decoration known as Urnes style. Its antiquity, the exemplary nature of its structure, the quality of its sculpted decor, and its location within a glacial valley are factors that led UNESCO to place the building on its World Heritage List. Urnes is spectacularly situated in southern Norway, close to the edge of a fjord, with a stunning view of snowcapped mountains in the distance. The building can be dated fairly accurately to around 1130-tests show that the timbers were felled between 1129 and 1131-and was probably built as a private church for a powerful local family, the Ornes. Archeological evidence, confirms that there had been two earlier churches on this site, and much of the decoration from the second one was carefully incorporated into Urnes. This type of architecture takes its name from the staves (upright posts) that formed the framework of the building. The area around the center of the nave is often raised so that the multiple roofs are slightly reminiscent of a pagoda. They may also feature finials, shingle-cladding, and external galleries. The roofing at Urnes is less noteworthy than the extraordinary carvings on its door panels, taken from the previous church. Dating from the late eleventh century, they took the form of a beguiling mix of interlaced ribbon-snakes and dragons. This style was easily adapted to other art forms, such as stonework and metalwork, and it was widely copied in the areas where the Vikings traveled. It proved particularly popular with the Celtic craftsmen of Britain and Ireland."


"La chiesa è dal 1881 di proprietà del National Trust norvegese ed è stata inclusa nella lista Patrimonio dell’Umanità UNESCO nel 1980 "


"Plus ancienne église , et plus richement décorée. Patrimoine unesco."


"Trois églises ont été construites sur ce site. La dernière date de 1129-1130. Elle est classée au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité car c'est la plus ancienne de Norvège, et aussi l'une des plus décorées."


"Belle eglise bois cadre enchenteur"


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