Serpentine Sackler Gallery
Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery Serpentine Sackler Gallery
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"An innovative contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Hyde Park, loved for its poignant exhibitions and brutalist architecture"


"An innovative contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Hyde Park, loved for its poignant exhibitions and brutalist architecture"


"An innovative contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Hyde Park, loved for its poignant exhibitions and brutalist architecture"


"Une galerie d'art contemporain toujours très innovante située en plein Hyde Park"


"An innovative contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Hyde Park, loved for its poignant exhibitions and brutalist architecture"


"Une galerie d'art contemporain toujours très innovante située en plein Hyde Park"


"*Last days* Faith Ringgold at the Serpentine Gallery (until September 8th) Painter, sculptor, performance artist, teacher and author, Faith Ringgold’s work is centered around her activism and her experience as an African-American woman from Harlem. Spanning nearly seven decades, a survey of her work is being displayed for the first time in Europe at the Serpentine Gallery. Shown here is a work from The American People Series ‘US Postage Commemorating the Advent of Black Power’, a monumental oil on canvas from 1967. In a mosaic of a hundred eyes and noses, two diagonal lines of ten black faces (representing ten percent of the U.S. population in 1967) and of the words ‘Black Power’ create a cross reminiscent of the confederate flag. Underlying the painting, vertically and almost invisibly are the words ‘White Power’, signifying how white supremacy remains the foundation of society. @mapstr_app @serpentineuk"


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