Restaurant Lido 84
Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84 Restaurant Lido 84

Ristorante Lido 84 - Restaurant italien stellato sur le lac de Garde

Le Ristorante Lido 84 est un restaurant italien stellato situé sur les rives du lac de Garde. Avec une vue magnifique sur le lac, cet établissement est l'un des meilleurs restaurants italiens au monde. Le chef Riccardo Camanini propose une cuisine colta, intelligente, originale, vocata al gusto e alla riflessione. La carte propose des plats innovants tels que le rigatoni cacio e pepe cuites en vessie exceptionnelles mais pas que. Le frère de Riccardo, Giancarlo, vous accueille avec sympathie dans une salle de haut niveau. Le restaurant est classé 8ème dans la liste des meilleurs restaurants du monde et est considéré comme le meilleur restaurant italien dans la liste des 50 meilleurs restaurants du monde en 2022. Le Ristorante Lido 84 est également recommandé par Fine Dining Lovers. Venez découvrir cette expérience gastronomique unique et réservez votre table dès maintenant.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Ristorante #Stellato #Italien #Michelin
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"ristorante stellato top con n.12 nel best restaurants of the world 2024"


"Cacio e pepe in vescica riso nero"


"Se dovessi fare una lista dei mie ristoranti preferiti, il Lido 84 sarebbe sicuramente tra i primi 3 posti, piatti spettacolari cosi come la location . La cacio e pepe in vescica è un piatto indimenticabile, cosi come la torta di rose, e le altre portate non sono da meno"


"Capolavoro. Best stellato di Lello (non son tantissimi ma insomma). Prezzo onesto, 120€ il menù e 60€ abbinamento vini, location toppe con vista lago e servizio alla mano senza scope in culo. "


"Nella top 3 dei ristoranti migliori mai provati"


"World’s 15th best restaurant "


"Ristorante 1 stella Michelin, 7° al mondo World fifty best. Cibo spaziale, location perfetta, vino ni."


"Chef Riccardo Camanini put a twist on this classic pasta dish by combining various cheeses, including pecorino and parmesan, with a blend of spices and black pepper. The preparation involves using hand-rolled spaghetti cooked al dente, and the cheese mixture creates a rich and creamy sauce. Lido 84 prides itself on sourcing local and seasonal ingredients, reflecting the flavors of Lake Garda, where the restaurant is located. Lido 84’s cacio e pepe dish has gained popularity for its innovative approach and commitment to quality ingredients. The chef and his team personally visit local farmers and fishermen to select fresh produce and seafood. This emphasis on local sourcing allows the restaurant to showcase the vibrant flavors of the region. Lido 84’s cacio e pepe highlights its dedication to using high-quality, locally sourced ingredients."


"Ottavo nella classifica mondiale"


"@kitchen, cacio in der blase "

"Lusso carbonara nella vescica 140€ a testa"


"Ottavi ristorante migliore del mondo"


"Numero 8 tra i migliori ristoranti al mondo"


"#8 best restaurant in the world 2022"


"50 meilleurs resto, meilleur resto d’Italie"


"Esperienza fantastica in questo stellato Michelin, probabilmente uno dei migliori ristoranti d’Italia"


"Meilleur restaurant italien 2022"


"50 meilleurs restos du monde"


"Miglior ristorante italiano"


"1er restaurant italien du classement 50 Best 2022"


"One of the best italian restaurant "


"Considerato miglio ristorante d’Italia"


"Meilleur italien du monde ? "


"Meilleur restaurant italien"


"Meilleur restau italie 2022"


"#8 best restaurants in the world "


"Toni kögl 04/22 Kitchenimpossible Nr 8 top 50 restaurants"


"Ristorante stellato rinomato lago di Garda - location da urlo "


"*** Michelin - top 50 best restaurants in the world 2022"


"Uno dei migliori giovani cuochi italiani"


"Nudeln Peccorino in der Schweineblase probieren!! "


"15 ristorante migliore del mondo 2021"


"1 Michelin star 2024 12th of World’s 50 Best Restaurant 2024 Chef Riccardo Camanini / €85-122 Once you’ve left your car in the car park, a slight descent leads to this small corner of paradise boasting one of the most beautiful views of Lake Garda. Run by two brothers (one in the kitchen, the other front of house), this elegant restaurant is striking for its many decorative details. The cuisine here is full of flavour, with generous portions that give the impression that every meal at Lido 84 is Sunday lunch – joyous, festive and served in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. There’s also plenty of contact with the chefs, who often bring the dishes to the tables themselves. For a special occasion, we recommend booking the table in the small stone building in the splendid garden, with its classic decor and breathtaking views."


"Stellato; Provare: menu degustazione oscillazioni (7) 95€ + rigatoni cacio e pepe in vescica 20€"


"Chef Riccardo Camanini (famoso per cacio e pepe cotta in vescica); 8° ristorante migliore al mondo "


"Super quotato da chef di Trippa _ Diego rossi #rigatoni cacio e pepe in vescica "


"Gli chef presentano e servono insieme alla sala il piatto e poi lo spiegano, rispondono alle domande, interagiscono."


"Chef qui va aller très loin, super vue "


"chef Ricarco Camanini / Ceux qui savent, savent"


Approuvé par 6 partenaires officiels
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