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820 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Rooftop #Cocktails #Restaurant #Drinks #Cocktail
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"chic, cocktails terrasse et vue sur l'Hudson"


"Très belle vue mais attrape-touristes et cocktails pas bon. Compter 22$ par cocktail (gratuity included au moins)"


"Vue canon sur Lower Manhattan et l’Hudson (+ Empire) "

"Rooftop con vista sull’Empire State Building, prezzi nella norma, birra a 10$."


"Bars that don’t suck near Times Square"


"Nice aesthetic, epic views, need reservations"


"Views!! Phillip Jeffries HH"


"Ask for sofa seat by window "


"Great view, but seriously expensive"


"Réservation au 41e étage au cas où pour vue"


"Food - average, smoked drink - poor"


"The team behind Dear Irving and Raines Law Room opened the second outpost of the former in midtown. Dear Irving on Hudson is a bi-level cocktail bar that takes up the 40th and 41st floors of the Aliz Hotel in Times Square. While the bustling location is worlds away from the quiet block of Irving Place, the founders are sticking to some familiarities. Most noticeably, a handful of cocktails and a "time travel" theme, with one floor akin to 1960s James Bond and another decked out in Art Deco finishes."


"Amazing skyline views and strong cocktails "


"Rooftop bello. No disco. Solo drink e chiacchiera. Ottimo per un date. Cocktail buoni "


"Schöne Aussicht, poppy collins, nicht so voll (freitags 11.30)"


"New dear Irving in Hudson, amazing views "


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"good view, cool bar, good music"


"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"41th floor asking reservation for best view"

"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"Cocktail parlor at Aliz Hotel serving fancy drinks & bites in a swanky space with Midtown views."


"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"This offshoot of the original Dear Irving opened in Midtown’s Aliz Hotel less than a year ago. Dear Irving on Hudson has sweeping views of the city’s skyline, the perfect backdrop to enjoy classic drinks made with a singular focus like a Boulevardier or a Gibson. There’s also a section of the menu called Ode to the Empire State that is devoted to spirits made in New York, where you’ll find an Old Fashioned made with Hudson Baby Bourbon, the Vice Versa using Dorothy Parker gin, and the Panorama Daiquiri made with Owney’s Rum. If you’re feeling lucky, try out the 007 Mission, a James Bond-themed order that leaves the style and ingredients of your drink to your bartender’s fancy."


"A time-travelling cocktail bar that will transport Fashion Week-goers back in time to a more glamrous time"


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"Un nouveau bar à cocktails de haut vol avec une vue planante sur New York et ses gratte-ciels."


"rooftop on 41st floor, with Ria & Rachel for Chelsea's 30th bd "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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