Purl Purl Purl Purl Purl Purl Purl Purl

Purl - Bar à cocktail speakeasy à Londres

Purl est un bar à cocktail speakeasy situé à Londres. Cet espace atmosphérique est très détaillé dans son design, offrant une expérience multi-sensorielle unique. La liste de boissons de Purl est un mélange parfait de techniques traditionnelles et de mixologie moderne. Que vous soyez à la recherche d'un endroit tranquille pour boire un verre ou d'une expérience intéressante de mixologie moderne, Purl est l'endroit idéal.

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799 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Cocktails #Speakeasy #Drinks #Cocktail #Drink
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Spume, aromi, guarnizioni insolite e bicchieri personalizzati conferiscono ai cocktail vecchi e nuovi un elemento sorprendente, mentre l’illuminazione soffusa e la conversazione sommessa contribuiscono a creare un’atmosfera suggestiva. Ci sono solo posti a sedere in varie sale e angoli intimi, ed è consigliabile prenotare parecchi giorni prima – andateci di venerdì se vi piace il jazz"


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixology."


"low-key chill drink place hidden"


"Nice underground cocktail bar"


"Good cocktails - bit boring Vibe "


"Inventively designed multi-sensory cocktails served in a brick-lined, 19th-century cellar speakeasy bar."


"Verre à cocktail avec paquet de Pop Corn / Ballons / Coffre trésor "


"Cocktail bar. Speak-easy ambiance."


"Good for conversations. Best to make a reservation beforehand. "


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixology."


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixology."


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixo..."


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixo..."


"This atmospheric space in London is very detailed in design. Purl's drinks list is a great mix of traditional techniques and modern mixo..."


"An institution of modern mixology (from cream whippers and soda siphons to molecular airs and scented smokes)"


"Interesting cocktails , relaxed atmosphere, quite"


Approuvé par 5 partenaires officiels
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