Robert's Western World
Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World Robert's Western World
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Music #Drinks #Beer #Live Music
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"Endroit emblématique, mais l’odeur de saucisse à l’intérieur est insoutenable. Le band que nous y avons vu n’était pas non plus notre genre, mais très traditionnel country. La crowd était plus âgée. "


"We love going for the dancing and the pbr recession special!"


"⚠️ Front door is packed? Try the back entrance No bookings Lower Broadway is lined with honky tonks, all-day and all-night watering holes, and dance halls that make Nashville Music City. While some have expanded into bachelorette-pleasing cover bands and rock sing-a-longs, Robert’s Western World has remained a legit place to hear Western swing from the best musicians in the city. Come here to kick up your heels, drink PBR, eat a fried bologna sandwich, and have a good time. Just don't forget to tip—both your server and the band. If you want to take the music home with you, head across the street to Ernest Tubbs Record Shop, which Robert's owner purchased in early 2020. Robert’s Western World is one of the few remaining real honky-tonks left on “honky tonk highway,” meaning lower Broadway. The authentic country music bars that many come to Nashville for are dwindling, as new celebrity-backed clubs take their place (the singer Garth Brooks is preparing to open a multilevel entertainment space downtown, even funding an adjacent police substation). At Robert’s, posters, guitars, photos and neon signs line every inch of its walls, and the shelves are lined with boots, a throwback to the club’s former life as a clothing store called Rhinestone Western Wear. As for the music, Robert’s leans more traditional country than other Nashville clubs do. If you’re feeling hungry (and frugal), there’s the “recession special” ($6), Robert’s famous fried bologna sandwich with chips and a Pabst Blue Ribbon. Beers are $6 or $7, and there’s no cover."


"Live rockability. Where the locals go. "


"Good food. Good music. Second floor seating is nice"


"world’s best fried baloney sandwich "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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