Eden Project Shop
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"La plus grande serre du monde"


"The Eden Project is a visitor attraction in Cornwall, England, UK. The project is located in a reclaimed china clay pit, located 2 km from the town of St Blazey and 5 km from the larger town of St Austell. The complex is dominated by two huge enclosures consisting of adjoining domes that house thousands of plant species, and each enclosure emulates a natural biome. The biomes consist of hundreds of hexagonal and pentagonal ethylene tetrafluoroethylene inflated cells supported by geodesic tubular steel domes. The larger of the two biomes simulates a rainforest environment and the second, a Mediterranean environment. The attraction also has an outside botanical garden which is home to many plants and wildlife native to Cornwall and the UK in general; it also has many plants that provide an important and interesting backstory, for example, those with a prehistoric heritage. There are plans to build an Eden Project North in the seaside town of Morecambe, Lancashire, with a focus on the marine environment. Wikipedia"




"Nel 2001 è stata inaugurata questa struttura diventando la serra a cupola più grande al mondo. Realizzata in ETFE permette alla luce di filtrare. La struttura ha anche ospitato grandi concerti come quello dei Duran Duran. Sono riusciti a riportare in vita una cava argillosa grazie al fondatore Tim Smit ricreando due biomi mediterranei e tropicali. Dato che la forma del terreno non era ancora definitiva dato che la cava era attiva, pensano di realizzare questa struttura che riprende una bolla l'unica al mondo che se aumenta il suo volume la struttura si fortifica."


"A reclaimed Kaolinite pit in Cornwall serves as the home of the Eden Project, consisting of multiple biodomes that house thousands of plant species. The two main domes mimic tropical and Mediterranean climates and support corresponding plant life."


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