Grand Prismatic Spring - Parc National de Yellowstone
Le Grand Prismatic Spring est un trésor naturel incontournable du parc national de Yellowstone. Avec ses 112 mètres de diamètre et 37 mètres de profondeur, ce bassin d'eau chaude offre un spectacle unique digne d'un kaléidoscope géant. Les couleurs vives en cercles concentriques sont le résultat fascinant des micro-organismes présents dans l'eau. Pour une vue imprenable, ne manquez pas de vous rendre au promontoire du Grand Prismatic Overlook. Une balade à ne pas manquer pour admirer la nature dans toute sa splendeur et essayer l'expérience unique de ce phénomène naturel.
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Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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"Estimated Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour Grand Prismatic Spring is the crown jewel of the Midway Geyser Basin and one of the most iconic landmarks in Yellowstone National Park. This rainbow-colored hot spring is the third largest hot spring globally and is a must-see geothermal feature. The spring gets its dramatic rainbow of colors from the varying water temperatures. The hottest water is blue at the center of the spring. As the water temperature cools, the colors change from green to yellow to orange. This phenomenon is caused by the microorganisms that can survive at each water temperature. Since this is one of the most popular attractions in Yellowstone, parking can be tricky here. If you plan to see Grand Prismatic via the Midway Geyser Basin boardwalks, plan to arrive before 9 AM."
"Jayme: While I have not been here (yet), I am taken in by the massive range of geologic formations that exist in this relatively small place on the planet. This protected area is also home to the largest remaining nearly-intact ecosystem in the Earth's northern temperate zone!"
"Colori pazzeschi all’interno del parco dello Yellowstone. Da vedere assolutamente! "