Visitors Center Monument Valley
Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley Visitors Center Monument Valley
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"Parc villes des navajo Indien "


"Navajo County, Arizona, United States"


"Recommandé par Mathilde Juteau "


"- The park is on native lands (not a US National Park) and is $20 to enter. - We’d say to allow 3 hours to drive the whole park as there’s great places to stop, along with a slow speed limit. - We had a large campervan (around 20ft long) and found it fairly fine to drive through, but any RV’s might not be allowed in depending on the state of the road (it’s a little bumpy and gravel). - And don’t forget to get up early for sunrise at the famous highway shot, taken from Forrest Gump hill. When the colours start to come out and before the sun breaks makes for an amazing shot against the silhouetted monuments! Don’t Miss: Scenic loop, especially John Ford Point where we spent most of our time (grab some fry bread and coffee in the kiosk). The lookout at the Mittens is amazing for sunset and you can drive in late to the Tribal Park parking area without needing the entry permit. Forest Gump Hill for sunrise (Pro tip: sunset is too backlit for great shots) If planning to drive back West after your visit here, try to book (in advance) for the Upper Canyon tour at Antelope Canyon and allow a night nearby to catch Horseshoe Bend at sunset. We wanted to fit in this stop but left our booking too late! - Take time to drive through Monument Valley on Valley Drive. The drive costs $20 and takes about 3 - 4 hours, but it takes you through the scenery of Monument Valley. No need for a 4X4, anyone can drive this route. This is also where a lot of American country western movies were filmed, and you feel like you are on a Wild West film set driving through."


"Tout simplement incroyable Décor de film"


"Visitor center to access the park "


"A faire en jeep ou avec sa voiture "


"Fare assolutamente escursione all’interno della valle con Jeep "


"JOUR 3 — 40 dollars par véhicule "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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