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Blenheim Palace
Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1PP, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par431 utilisateurs
The Turf Tavern
4-5 Bath Pl, Oxford OX1 3SU, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par567 utilisateurs
Bibliothèque Bodléienne
Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BG, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par337 utilisateurs
Vaults and Garden
University Church, 1 Radcliffe Sq, Oxford OX1 4AH, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par324 utilisateurs
Gee's Restaurant
61 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6PE, United Kingdom
Ajouté par253 utilisateurs
The Varsity Club
9 High St, Oxford OX1 4DB, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par243 utilisateurs
The Covered Market Oxford
Market St, Oxford OX1 3DZ, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par270 utilisateurs
The Handle Bar Cafe and Kitchen
28-32 St Michael's St, Oxford OX1 2EB, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par265 utilisateurs
Ashmolean Museum
Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2PH, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par260 utilisateurs
The Eagle & Child
49 St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU, Royaume-Uni
Ajouté par161 utilisateurs
"Stayed here for a night and stayed in their Burrows bedrooms. It was a bit snug but nicely appointed but the knock out is the setting and the service. The staff are pleasant and always ready to offer drinks or food or suggestions for walks. We had supper and breakfast in their cute courtyard garden. It was a Sunday night stay so quite quiet but very peaceful."
"Set in a leafy village close to Oxford, this English idyll balances traditional and modern in a pub with rooms format."