Cathédrale de Cantorbéry
Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry Cathédrale de Cantorbéry
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"@wanderandscout says to attend the Evensong service "


"L’une des cathédrales les plus belles de ma vie (si ce n’est la plus belle) payant mais cela vaut totalement le coup et tout est accessible en fauteuil roulant avec des rampes. Et également pet friendly même dans le monument "


"Belle ville avec magnifique cathédrale et sites historiques."


"UNESCO World Heritage Sent by Pope Gregory the Great, St. Augustine arrived at the royal court of Kent in Cantwarabyrig in 597 to a welcome from Queen Bertha, who was already a Christian. King Ethelbert was soon converted and Augustine founded a Benedictine abbey, whose ruins have survived. Presently, as "bishop of the English," he built a church that became larger and more imposing over many centuries and would be the mother church of Anglican Christianity. The Norman Archbishop Lanfranc began to rebuild the church in 1070. Archbishops of Canterbury have played important roles in English politics. A key event occurred in the cathedral in 1170 with the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket by four knights who thought they were acting on a hint from King Henry II. Miracles were reported from Becket's tomb, he was swiftly canonized, and English and foreign pilgrims came in numbers, substantially increasing both the prestige and the income of the cathedral. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was written in the fourteenth century after he himself had been to the city while the nave was being rebuilt. This was part of a major redevelopment that continued from 1391 until the immense central tower, Bell Harry, was completed in 1505. St. Thomas's shrine behind the high altar was destroyed on the orders of Henry VIll in 1538."


"1174 prima cattedrale gotica Early English in Inghilterra: ornato chiaro-scuro in facciata, volta ancora a crociera costolonata, archi 6 acuto ma bassi, ha ancora il deambulatorio attorno al coro ma questo è già molto lungo e a sua volta diviso in navate. "


"Magnifique cathédrale, siège de l’église anglicane. "


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