Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare
Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Michelin #Japanese #⭐️⭐️⭐️ #French
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Beautiful restaurant and delicious Japanese fusion cuisine."


"Nice restaurant inside Brooklyn fare"


"3 Michelin stars 2023 Chef César Ramirez $430pp Wandering the aisles of a supermarket in search of the entrance merely adds to the feeling of discovery. There are tables but sitting at the walnut counter watching the team is an integral part of the experience. Everyone is served at once by a smart black-suited team who prove that when service is really good, you barely notice it. Chef César Ramirez's cooking is an almost subtractive form of cuisine. The 13 or so small but perfectly formed dishes confirm a chef at the height of his powers. Nothing is showy or extraneous here. It's just an absolute meticulousness in ensuring that the key ingredient, whether that's a Scottish langoustine or A5 Wagyu beef from Miyazaki, delivers its true essence. The sauces, which are of extraordinary depth, also play their part."


"#61 Top 100 restaurants in the world "


" #6"


"#63 Top 100 Best Restaurants in the World"


"I am a picky eater so I can’t be a fair judge but meh I don’t know if I would say it was worth it, Lots of fish dishes if you like seafood. But overall some of the fish lacked taste 😶 very cool ambiance though this is a place u go once and only once I guess "


"French / Japanese fusion - 3 Michelin Stars"


"Vissa menar kan bli en av världens bästa. Speakeasy ish med 3 stjärnor "


"Very expensive fancy tasting menu, seafood "


"20 course tasting menu for $395. French/Japanese. "


"M***. Top 100 restaurant in the world 2021"


"Trois Etoiles gibt 10 Punkte "


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."


"Cesar Ramirez fine dining counter retains its three stars "


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."


"4.5⭐️. $395 tasting. 3 Michelin stars. Chef Cesar Ramirez "


"Michelin*** - Fusion Asiatique - ~450$/pp - 10/10"


"Renowned, upscale 20-course tasting menu. Hard to get a reservation. Known as NY's best restaurant. 3 Michelin stars."

Approuvé par 5 partenaires officiels
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