Rock of Cashel
Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel Rock of Cashel

Rock of Cashel - Monument historique en Irlande

Situé en Irlande, le Rock of Cashel est un monument historique incontournable à visiter pour les amateurs de culture et d'architecture. Ce château médiéval impressionnant offre une plongée fascinante dans l'histoire de l'Irlande. Découvrez ses tours imposantes, ses chapelles anciennes et son atmosphère unique. Planifiez votre visite pour explorer ce site chargé de mystère et d'histoire.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Old ecclesiastical site… important in Irish history. "


"Very cool to see everything preserved so well!"


"Magnifique mais…. Payant même que pour voir l’extérieur "


"ft PAM visite des alentours 25/07/2023"


"Visit the Shop (Ice Cream)"


"château sublime sur un rocher"


"OPW HC 12h + Cormac Chapel (réservation ticket sur place - quel prix en + ?) Pas fait visite de la chapelle"


"An immensely interesting and elegant landmark with an extensive history. Surrounded by nature and beautiful views. "


"sur la route entre belfast et cork"




"For more than a millennium, the Rock of Cashel, a formidable stronghold rising high above the surrounding plain, has stood sentinel over Tipperary. Legend—and a carved cross—imply an association between St. Patrick and the Rock’s earliest rulers, the kings of Munster, but the ancient fortress wasn’t formally presented to the church until 1101. Officially dissociated from its secular roots, the stronghold proved equally majestic as a center of ecclesiastical power, flourishing as a spiritual high ground until the Cromwellian army laid siege to it in 1647. Still, the architecture from that period largely survives and continues to hold sway over the tourists who besiege the Rock each year. The jewel of the stronghold is undeniably Cormac’s Chapel, considered one of the best examples of 12th-century Romanesque architecture in Ireland. Yet it’s the 90-foot round tower, built in the early 12th century without the use of mortar, that perfectly exemplifies the Rock of Cashel’s dual role as a religious center and medieval fortress."


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