The Django
The Django The Django The Django The Django The Django The Django The Django The Django

The Django - Bar de Jazz et Restaurant à Tribeca

Le Django est un bar de jazz et restaurant situé dans les catacombes d'un hôtel à Tribeca. Avec sa décoration vintage et intimiste, ce lieu est idéal pour une soirée en amoureux ou entre amis. Le bar propose une large sélection de cocktails raffinés, ainsi qu'une carte de plats savoureux. Mais ce qui fait la renommée de The Django, c'est avant tout sa programmation de concerts live de jazz. Les artistes se produisent tous les soirs de la semaine, offrant ainsi une expérience unique aux amateurs de musique. Les réservations sont fortement recommandées, car le lieu est très prisé. Si vous cherchez un endroit pour passer une soirée inoubliable, The Django est l'endroit idéal pour vous. Venez découvrir ce bar de jazz légendaire et profitez d'une soirée de musique, de cocktails et de bonne compagnie.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Jazz #Restaurant #Music #Drinks #Live music
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Club de jazz magnifique ! "




"Jazz bar/restaurant, $35 cover feels steep but was cute and vibey, cozy vibes over going out vibes "


"expensive but not bad; went with Gaby/Ian in Dec 2022"


"expensive but not bad; went with Gaby/Ian in Dec 2022"


"speak easy. live concert. la nourriture ne vaut pas le coup"


"Jazz and cocktails. Cool scene downstairs"


"Went with Javian - music was INCREDIBLE. Vibes were great. Cocktails were strong and they didn’t card me. Very expensive but I would say it’s worth it. Not good for a first date - talking is limited "


"Live music and great drinks! Perfect date spot🥰"


"Speak easy / live music : très cher !!!!!!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"Conciertos requieren entrada. Bar y restaurante del hotel están cool Good date night"


"$35 cover and 2 drink minimum"


"jazz club dentro al the Roxy Hotel Tribeca locale"


"fun jazz bar, underground (cave vibes?) with classic jazz swank feel. ask for table in alcove by the bar but bot a bad seat in the house."


"Jazz club - 25$ de cover + 2 drinks"


"Cocktail bar with live jazz"


"Tik tok place:"


"Amazing cocktail bar w live jazz "


"Date night jazz bar in underground setting"


"Jazz club for barry bee benson"


"Jazz club in cellar of the Roxy! So much fun!! But expensive.. def a splurge "


"Underground jazz and cocktail club"


"Club de jazz / catacombe d’un hotel"


"Lugar con muchísimo encanto, simula a los antiguos bares de jazz franceses. Muy buen ambiente, el único inconveniente es que se llena tanto que se requiere reserva. E incluso con reserva a veces no se tiene garantía de poder sentarse. Estuvimos esperando media hora para ser sentados y otra media hora para que nos sirviesen la comida. No obstante, la experiencia en sí mereció la pena y los “starters” y los cocktails están muy buenos. Recomiendo la tabla de quesos y charcutería."


"Club de jazz. Recommandé par Alexia Duchesne. "


"Amazing food, vibe and drinks but pricey. Worth it for the music! - 9.3"


"A jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It's a vintage cabaret boasted vaulted ceiling and candelit corners."


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"Cavelike, Paris-inspired jazz venue & cocktail bar under the Roxy Hotel, with regular live acts. "


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"subterranean jazz bar at the Roxy hotel "


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"3.5⭐️. Cavelike, Paris-inspired jazz venue & cocktail bar under the Roxy Hotel, with regular live acts."


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"


"A subterranean jazz club in the catacombs of a hotel in Tribeca. It’s a vintage cabaret boasting vaulted ceilings and candlelit corners!"

Approuvé par 5 partenaires officiels
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