Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's Luzzo's

Luzzo's Pizzeria - Pizze Preferiti a East Village

Situé dans l'East Village, Luzzo's est bien plus qu'un simple restaurant, c'est une véritable pizzeria italienne qui attire une clientèle fidèle en quête de saveurs authentiques. Les pizze, proposées entre 18 et 25 dollars, sont les préférées des connaisseurs pour leur croûte sottile, leurs tomates mûres et leur cuisson au four à charbon. Chaque soir, l'étroit établissement se remplit de clients en quête de l'expérience culinaire parfaite. Luzzo's est l'endroit idéal pour les amateurs de pizza qui recherchent l'importance du goût et de la tradition italienne. N'oubliez pas, le paiement en espèces est requis pour déguster ces délices!

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Pizza #Pizzeria #Italian #Preferiti
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"LUZZO’S pIZZA $$ Cartina p444 (%212-473-7447; www.luzzosgroup. com; 211 First Ave, tra E 12th St e 13th St, East Village; pizze $18-25; h12-23 dom-gio, 12-24 ven e sab; bL fermata 1st Ave) Apprezzato da una clientela di fedelissimi, Luzzo’s occupa una strisciolina lunga e stretta di un palazzo dell’East Village che ogni sera torna a essere gremita di clienti. Gli intenditori ritornano per poter assaporare pizze dalla crosta sottile, baciate da pomodori maturi e cotte in un forno a carbonella. Il locale accetta soltanto contanti."


"Try Gnocchi filled Pizza pockets. "


"Populær pizzasted - tynd bund og bagt i trækulsovn."


"You can't throw a stone without hitting a Michele Iuliano’s restaurant these days and for good reason. This original outpost of Luzzo's boasts a colorful exterior, exposed brick interior, and a century-old coal-burning oven that pushes out not only ace pizzas, but playful Neapolitan eats like burrata and la quadrata or a simple bietole with beets, asparagus, and polpettine. Gauging from the crowd, these locals know a good menu when they see it—and this one has much to offer. While there are salads, antipasto, and pasta on the menu, this kitchen is clearly about Neapolitan-style pizzas, like brutta ma buona with tomato sauce, sausage, and ricotta; as well as the EST, starring more of that smooth tomato sauce, spicy salami, mozzarella, and basil."


"Instagram Saved- (3 Gnocci Pocket)"


"Traditional Napoletana - bringing the authentic tastes of Napoli to New York."


"4⭐️. Old-school pizzeria with a rare coal-burning oven serving thin-crust pies."


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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