Stonehenge Landscape
Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape Stonehenge Landscape

Stonehenge - Monument Mégalithique et Site Historique à Visiter

Stonehenge est un monument mégalithique situé à Salisbury, dans le comté de Wiltshire. Construit entre 3000 av. J.-C. et 2000 av. J.-C., ce site préhistorique est un véritable symbole historique. Le monument est aligné vers le lever du soleil lors du solstice d'été, offrant une expérience unique aux visiteurs. Malgré les nombreuses théories entourant sa construction, le mystère de Stonehenge demeure. Certains le considèrent comme un lieu de culte, d'autres comme un instrument astronomique. Les visiteurs peuvent encore admirer ce site lors du solstice d'été, une tradition ancienne qui perdure. Profitez de votre visite pour explorer le parc environnant et vous imprégner de l'atmosphère mystique de ce lieu chargé d'histoire.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Le site est impressionnant mais les billets sont beaucoup trop chers pour le petit musée, mieux vaut emprunter le chemin gratuit qui longe le chemin touristique payant devant les dolmen, et se renseigner de son côté"


"Monument mégalithique composé d’un ensemble de pierres préhistoriques"


"réserver le billet à l'avance "


"un giorno intero 80/ testa"


"Des pierres en cercle. On peut pas aller trop près "


"It is in Salisbury Salisbury is within the Wiltshire county Prehistoric monument Stonehenge was constructed from around 3000 BC to 2000 BC. The whole monument, is aligned towards the sunrise on the summer solstice. Summer Solstice - occurs when one of Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northern and Southern). For that hemisphere, the summer solstice is the day with the longest period of daylight and shortest night of the year, when the Sun is at its highest position in the sky. Within the Arctic circle (for the Northern hemisphere) or Antarctic circle (for the Southern), there is continuous daylight around the summer solstice. The opposite event is the winter solstice. Stonehenge is one of the best known ancient wonders of the world. The 5,000 year old henge monument became a World Heritage Site in 1986. Despite numerous theories, no-one knows for certain the reason why it was built. Theories: A place of worship - ritualistic sun worship Crystal ball - enabled our ancestors to predict celestial events like eclipses, solstices and the equinox (equal amount of daylight and nighttime). Knowing where they were in the seasonal cycle allowed for more efficient planning of agriculture and social and religious events. Place of healing It is on giant instrument - the rocks ring out when hit People still visit Stonehenge on every summer solstice (20th June) "


"Coisa linda de deus. Ou dos ETs. Vai saber…"


"UNESCO World Heritage Its purpose is unknown, and is likely to remain so. Standing in solitary eeriness on Salisbury Plain, Stonehenge was built and altered over many centuries in a remarkable feat of skill and organization. It is dominated today by a circle of sandstone pillars called sarsens, weighing up to 50 tons each, joined by stone lintels on top and with a horseshoe of the biggest stones inside. They were hauled there from 20 miles (32 km) away to the north. Their surfaces were hammered smooth and some of them have carvings of axes on them. With them are smaller bluestones that originally came from Wales. The complex is surrounded by a ditch and a circular bank of earth, originally 6 feet (1.8 m) high. The entrance in the northeast points to the sunrise at midsummer over a big pillar, now leaning at an angle, called the Heel Stone. Looking the other way, it points to the midwinter sunset. The circular bank and ditch date back to roughly 3000 B.c.E., but the monument reached its present form during the millennium after about 2000 B.C.E. Stonehenge was presumably a religious site and an expression of the power and wealth of the chieftains, aristocrats, and priests who had it built-many of whom were buried in the numerous barrows close by. It was aligned on the sun and possibly used for observing the sun and moon, and working out the farming calendar. Or perhaps the site was dedicated to the world of the ancestors, separated off from the world of the living, or was a healing center. Whether it was used by the Druids, the Celtic priests, is doubtful, but the present-day Druids gather there every year to hail midsummer. In 1986 UNESCO made Stonehenge a World Heritage site jointly with the circles of stones at Avebury, also in Wiltshire, describing them as an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times."


"One of the most famous sites in England, Stonehenge is a beautiful place to visit the ancient history of this area. Stonehenge gets quite busy during peak times and week times, so if you’re looking for smaller crowds, make sure you visit later in the day or first thing in the morning. Make sure you also visit Salisbury too, it’s only 15 minutes away by car and the cathedral is awe-inspiring and easily one of the best places in Britain to visit if you love history.  "


"Réserver d’avance sur internet "


"Some rocks...Don’t bother stopping there (unless you really want to but you can go close to them), the road by it is close enough - it’s a nice road if you ever plan on going to Dorset/Cornwall counties "


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