Citadelle du Caire
Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire Citadelle du Caire
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"UNESCO World Heritage Where Egypt was ruled for 6 centuries Egypt was governed from this fortress from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century. It was originally built by Saladin, who ousted the last Fatimid ruler in 1171, but it has been added to and rebuilt many times. In Saladin's time, the fortress housed the royal palaces, the army headquarters, and government offices. From 1250 the early Mameluke sultans replaced many of the buildings with structures in a grander style, but these were later knocked down in their turn, except for the mosque of An-Nasir Muhammad, which was completed in 1335. The harem, with its pavilions and gardens and a population of more than 1,200, was based on the site now occupied by the mosque of Muhammad Ali. In 1400 some 6,000 young boys were kept as slaves in the sultan's palace. Mosques, gates, and keeps were added in the period after 1517, when Egypt was a province of the Ottoman Empire, ruled by Turkish pashas. They include the Burg al-Muqattam tower, which rises to 80 feet (25 m) above the eastern entrance. By 1650 the citadel had developed into a residential district with streets, private houses, shops, markets, and public baths. Napoleon's French troops occupied it after invading Egypt in 1798, and British troops held it from 1882 until their departure in 1947. Muhammad Ali Pasha, appointed viceroy of Egypt by the Ottoman emperor in 1805, established a ruling dynasty of his own that lasted until 1953. An efficient modernizer-his new palace in the citadel was lit by gas- he reorganized Cairo, building new streets and replacing old buildings in the citadel with new ones, including a colossal, florid mosque, which was completed in 1848. Muhammad Ali Pasha was later buried at that mosque. The complex today also contains the national police museum and the Egyptian military museum."


"Prix: adulte 140LE (6,9€), étudiant avec justificatif: 70LE (3,5€). Horaire: 8h-17h tous les jours sauf vendredi midi pendant la prière."


"🖼👒 The city from a window 👒🖼"


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