Gateway Of India Mumbai
Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai Gateway Of India Mumbai

Gateway Of India Mumbai - Monument emblématique à visiter

Situé à Mumbai, le Gateway Of India est un monument emblématique qui attire des visiteurs du monde entier. Cette structure majestueuse, construite pour commémorer la visite du roi George V et de la reine Mary en 1911, est un symbole de l'histoire et de l'architecture de l'Inde. En plus de son importance historique, le Gateway Of India est entouré d'une atmosphère animée avec des restaurants et des boutiques à proximité, offrant aux visiteurs une expérience complète. Que vous souhaitiez simplement admirer l'architecture impressionnante du monument ou vous détendre dans un restaurant en profitant de la vue sur la mer, le Gateway Of India est un incontournable lors de votre séjour à Mumbai.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Monument #Landmark #Architecture #Visite #Restaurant
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Stunning. Departure for Elephanta Island as well. Gorgeous view on the Taj Mahal hotel."


"éditée pour la visite de George V"


"la fameuse porte de l'Inde a visiter absolument a Mumbai"


"Situated on the Apollo Bunder overlooking the Arabian Sea, the Gateway of India was designed to commemorate the visit in 1911 of King George V and Queen Mary, who had been en route to the durbar being held in Delhi to celebrate their coronation as emperor and empress of India. The foundation stone was laid on March 31, 1913, by the goveror of Bombay, Sir George Sydenham Clarke, with architect George Wittet's designs finally being approved in August 1914, Between 1915 and 1919 a stretch of land along the harbor front was reclaimed from the sea, and it was here that the gateway and a new sea wall were built. The foundations were completed the following year and construction was finished in 1924. Built of honey colored basalt, the gateway is a conventional triumphal arch in concept, but architecturally it is Indo-Saracenic in style, modeled on sixteenth century Gujarati work. This absorption of Mughal influences was consciously done, with a view to suggesting the link with earlier rulers and thus conveying the legitimacy^of British colonial rule. Intricate latticework decorates the walls, and four turrets surround an imposing central dome that is 50 feet (15 m) in diameter and rises to 85 feet (26 m) high, Side chambers and halls were added to accommodate civic receptions. The building was opened to the public on December 4, 1924, by the viceray of India, the Earl of Reading Within a generation, this grand symbol of empire also became an epitaph, when the last British regiment to leave India after independence in 1947, the First Battalion of the Somerset Light Infantry, passed through the gateway before finally setting sail for home on February 28, 1948. Today it is one of India's most popular tourist sites."


"Construite pout commémorer la visite de la ville par le roi George V (Royaume Uni) et la reine Mary. Achevée en 1920."


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