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"Iceland has countless picturesque volcanic features, but possibly none is more ominously named as the Dimmuborgir site near Mývatn Lake in the country’s northland. The volcanic field is covered in jagged black lava stacks and caves that were formed in a massive eruption some 2,300 years ago. At the time of the eruption, there was likely a small body of water at the site that filled with lava, creating unique features once the excess magma flowed away, leaving the bleak geology behind. One of the most impressive features is a naturally formed rock arch known as “The Church.”"
"Une formation volcanique qui lui donne son nom de « château sombre »"
"Aus Lava geformte Steinformationen "
"Champ de formations basaltiques aux structures étonnantes. Ce paydage formé il y a 2500 ans est aussi le lieu de vie des 13 Jólasveinarnir (lutins de Noël) personnages folkloriques islandais, équivalents du Père Noël ou Saint Nicolas local."
"Champs de lave 15 minutes pour la grande boucle "
"Formations rocheuses volcaniques"
"beautiful lava formations; amazing contrast in winter"
"Une formation volcanique qui lui donne son nom de « château sombre »"
"GOT le camp de Mance Rayder"