Zona Arqueológica Palenque
Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque Zona Arqueológica Palenque

Zona Arqueológica Palenque - Citée Maya et Site Archéologique

La Zona Arqueológica Palenque est une citée Maya et un site archéologique d'une beauté exceptionnelle, niché au cœur de la forêt vierge. Les ruines mayas de Palenque sont non seulement impressionnantes mais aussi assez stylées, offrant aux visiteurs une expérience inoubliable. Situé à 6h/8h de Calakmul, à 13h/15h de Valladolid et à 6h/15h de Campêche, ce monument historique est un incontournable à visiter lors de votre séjour. Profitez de l'entrée gratuite pour les étudiants et découvrez ce site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Ne manquez pas l'opportunité de découvrir Palenque, un lieu chargé d'histoire et de mystère, à essayer absolument lors de votre voyage au Mexique.

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#Monument #Visite #Culture #Site archéologique #Architecture
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"cité maya, site archéologique"


"superbe sité archéologique entouré de forêt vierge"


"6h/8h de Calakmul (26€) 13h/15h de Valladolid (72€) 6h/15h de Campêche (entre 36 et 72€) "


"Ruines mayas - assez stylé"


"Gratuit pour les étudiants 53$ pour le parc"


"Really beautiful ruins in the middle of the jungle 🤗"


"Touristic but outstanding, to see. Immersed in the Mayan forest. "


"UNESCO World Heritage A prime example of a Mayan sanctuary of the classical period, Palenque was at its height between AD 500 and 700, when its influence extended throughout the basin of the Usumacinta River. The elegance and craftsmanship of the buildings, as well as the lightness of the sculpted reliefs with their Mayan mythological themes, attest to the creative genius of this civilization. Palenque is widely regarded as one of the best-preserved examples of a Classical period Mayan sanctuary, and it is remarkable for the quality and profusion of its art and architecture. It is a relatively small city, compared with Copán and Tikal, but it seems to have been the capital of the surrounding Mayan state. The site is still being researched by archeologists, but it is at least 1,600 years old, with inscriptions recording the reign of a king in the early fifth century. It underwent a period of growth during the fifth and sixth centuries before being ransacked on several occasions by nearby cities at the start of the seventh century. These defeats seem to have prompted a wave of reconstruction under a new, powerful leader, Pakal the Great, and it is thought that most of the temples and structures still standing today date from this period. Palenque began to decline around 711, when it was again defeated and ransacked by a rival city, and suffered further defeats over the next century. It had been completely abandoned for several centuries by the time it was discovered in the 1560s by Spanish explorers. Palenque's central plaza is a considerable engineering achievement, being built directly over the Otulum River, which was redirected through a 165-foot- (50-m-) long vaulted roof canal. Surrounding this public space is the Palace- a complex of interconnected buildings and temples, each positioned at the top of a traditional step pyramid and decorated with a wealth of devotional carvings. Arguably the most important of these buildings is the Temple of the Inscriptions, which contains one of the longest Mayan inscriptions in Central America, chronicling around 180 years of Palenque's history. As well as this wealth of historical information, the temple contains intricate carvings of deities and kings, and the tomb and ornately carved sarcophagus of Pakal the Great himself."


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