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425 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Jazz #Restaurant #Live music #Music #Musique
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Open bar jazz club with julliard people - Thursday nights"


"Ristorante con musica jazz, consumazione minima 40$ a persona e 20$ per musica"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.230"


"Blues. + assis mais sympa. esprit family"


"Bar / restaurant de jazz Tous les jeudis soirs, d'abord un vrai groupe qui joue du jazz puis les personnes de la salle peuvent monter sur scène et chanter/jouer"


"Jazz cafe in Harlem, tip mama Lensko"


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."

"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."

"Revival of a famed Harlem nightclub, now with elevated Southern cuisine, elegant decor & live jazz."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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