Great NY Noodletown
Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown Great NY Noodletown

Great NY Noodletown - Restaurant Chinois à Chinatown, New York

Great NY Noodletown est un restaurant chinois situé à Chinatown, New York. Ouvert en 1981, ce restaurant est célèbre pour ses nouilles, mais surtout pour sa soupe wonton. Vous y trouverez une ambiance typique de Manhattan Chinatown, avec des plats de viande grillée et des soupes de nouilles. Les plats de fruits de mer, comme le calmar cuit au sel et les épinards sautés, sont également très appréciés. Great NY Noodletown est un véritable trésor pour les amateurs de cuisine chinoise, offrant des plats cantonais délicieux et abordables. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de goûter aux délicieuses nouilles faites maison et aux viandes grillées. Ce restaurant a été recommandé par Netflix et est mentionné dans le guide Michelin 2023. Venez découvrir cette adresse incontournable pour une expérience culinaire chinoise authentique à New York.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Chinese #Chinois #Asian #Asiatique
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"One of the best Beef Lo Mein I had and not expensive "


"duck, wonton noodles, good meats"


"Grosses portions de noodles 14$ - 19$/plat "


"NYTimes best 100 restaurants 2024, no frills "


"Good liang mian Huang and dry noodles "


"Cibo asiatico (ramen/noodles/riso e carne) cheap (8/10euro)"


"9-10pm 9-11pm (friday & saturday) chinatown 📍 "


"Tik tok saved something over rice"


"really fire shrimp fried rice. tried with rea, sophia, and kat "


"Nice, but my food was cold and restaurant was very busy, cramped and loud. "


"Spare ribs and hand made noodles $35"


"Michelin Guide mention 2023 Invite plenty of dining companions to share heaping plates of roasted meats and rice and noodle soups at this wallet-friendly treasure. Locals stream in until the 4:00 A.M. closing bell for their great Cantonese dishes-food is clearly the focus here, over the brusque service and unfussy atmosphere. Guests' gaze quickly pass over the imitation wooden chairs to rest on the crispy skin of suckling pig and ducks hanging in the window.These dishes are huge, so forgo the rice and opt instead for deliciously chewy noodles and barbecue meats. Incredible shrimp wontons, for instance, are delicate and thin; and the complex homemade e-fu noodles demonstrate technique and quality to a standout level that is rarely rivaled."


"Hong Kong restaurant found on IG"


"Hong Kong restaurant found on IG"


"Came wirh alice and amanda. Fire"


"Soft shell crab Shrimp wonton soup"


" #37"


"Looked like good Chinese food"


"Affordable classic Cantonese food. Nice duck. 4.5/5"


"Good noodles, so much food and super inexpensive "


"Famous place that just reopened"


"shredded chicken and pea shoots - alex delaney"


"Salt-baked seafood, handmade noodles, soups & roast meat are served in a spartan setting."


"3.5⭐️. Salt-baked seafood, handmade noodles, soups & roast meat are served in a spartan setting. Open til 4am daily "


"Excellent restaurant chinois !"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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