Market Square
Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square Market Square
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Shopping #Marché #Restaurant #Market #Mercato
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Take the boat there to go to Suomenlinna. It takes around 15 minutes. "


"It’s an open-air market full of stalls that sell local produce and handicrafts. It’s a perfect place to buy authentic Finnish souvenirs to take back home."


"Place sympathique au abord de l’océan avec boutique et tante pour manger "


"halle du marché => petits restaurants où s’installer pour manger Goûter la soupe de saumon chez Story"


"Market hours: Monday–Friday from 6.30 am to 6 pm, Saturday 6.30 am to 4 pm, Sunday 10 am to 5 pm; opening hours for food stands vary"


"Market Square (Kauppatori) Market Square is also known as Kauppatori in Finnish. It is Helsinki’s international, and its most famous, market and is located near the city centre, a very accessible location for tourists. The shops sell traditional Finnish treats as well as souvenirs, and you can enjoy music talents performing in the Market Square using instruments like the hydrophone and classic guitar. There are a number of cafés offering lihapiirakka, which are Finnish meat pastries. Market Square also has a long tradition which involves displaying an old American car on the first Friday every month, so don’t miss this spot and remember to take a snapshot of this landmark. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 8am-4pm; Sun 10am-5pm"


"Place du marché, resté dans son jus, c'est magnifique"


"Marché avec des plats typiques : saumon, friture, pomme de terre "


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