Dom Tower
Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower Dom Tower
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"- It's worth the hundreds stairs. - You can see the whole city and not only from up the tower. On a good day you can see Amsterdam (the perks of a flat land, I guess). - The guide is really informative and the bells at the top are quite fun to walk around."


"De mooiste Dom in Nederland. Vroeger was dit een hele kerk, je kunt er ook touren doen in catacombes, omhoog in de toren, of de kerken rondom bezoeken"


"Plein d’escaliers qui tournent en rond 🤢😂"


"12,50€ l'entrée - 465 marches"


"12€50 Domtoren, campanile de la cathédrale médiévale. Une vue imprenable sur la ville. Semble être LE truc a faire. Aussi possible de voir la partie est de la cathédrale qui a survécut pour 2€50."


"Campanile de la cathédrale, monument remarquable"


"The canals have two stories. Wharf cellars have food and drink at water level. Unique to this city "


"La città di Utrecht è davvero molto bella"


"The Dom Tower (Cathedral Tower, Dutch: Domtoren) of Utrecht is the tallest church tower in the Netherlands,[1] at 112.5 metres (368 feet) in height.[2] It is considered the symbol of Utrecht.[1] The tower was part of St. Martin's Cathedral, also known as the Dom Church, and was built between 1321 and 1382,[1] to a design by John of Hainaut.[3] The cathedral was never fully completed due to lack of money. Since the unfinished nave collapsed in 1674, the Dom tower has been a freestanding tower. The tower stands at the spot where the city of Utrecht originated almost 2,000 years ago.[1]"


"Leukste verjaardagscadeautje! De domtoren beklommen met Snikkel. 💛"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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