City Palace
City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace City Palace
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"2h 3h de visite 600INR + 200INR pour audio guide "


"Renferme des galeries d’art, musée d’anciennes voitures, et palais de Maharani Soir animations"


"The beautiful white Udaipur City Palace standing majestically on a crest overlooking the Pichola Lake, was onginally built by Maharana Udai Singh of the Sisodia clan and was extended to its present form by subsequent rulers It is the impressive centerpiece of what was once the capital of the Rajput kingdom of Mewar Udalpur. The palace & built from granite and marble and was surrounded by fortified walls, incorporating medieval European and Chinese architecture in Its buildings, hanging gardens, octagonal towers, fountains, and balconies with views across the lake toward the Lake Palace its Only real rival for splendor within the city. Most rooms have beautiful paintings. intricate glass work, mirror tiles, and colorful enamel. The main part of the palace houses a museum displaying a large and diverse array of artworks and artifacts, including an armory collection and examples of the infarous two-pronged sword The city of Udaipur, hemmed in by the lush hills of the Aravails, is one of the jewels of colorful Rajasthan, and this site is the state's largest palace complex. It is an intensely romantic setting steeped in fascinating history — visitors can go to the eight carved maible arches under which past rulers were weighed against gold and silver, the value of which was then distributed among the poor. According to one intriguing legend, the city's founder, Maharana Udai Sirigh, was hunting one day when he met and was blessed by a holy man meditating on a hill overlooking the lake, who advised him to bulld a palace at this spot. Now immortalized in popular Western culture, the city is also visited by lames Bond fans because it was the setting for the film Octopussy. Like the Taj Mahal, Udaipur is a must-see historic site in the subcontinent."


"300 roupies ; 200 l’audio guide "


"très cool j'ai pu faire que l'extérieur "


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