Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid Jama Masjid
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"Restaurant- https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5VH49dvvLz/?igsh=MWFjNm5uOGhvazhkcg=="


"Mosquée, il faut avoir un foulard. Chadni Chawk = grand bazar "


"Sûrement une des mosquées des plus typiques et des plus traditionnelles d’Inde"


"More than five thousand builders and craftsmen were involved in the construction of the Jama Masjid or "Friday Mosque' — also known as the Masjid-i-Jahanuma or "Mosque Commanding a View of the World". The largest mosque in India and the last great bullding to be erected by the seventeenth-century Mughal emperor Shah Jahan before he was imprisoned by his son Aurangzeb, it stands on a natural outcrop of rock and dominates the city. The mosque has three huge gateways, four angle towers, and two minarets 130 feet (39 m) high built of red sandstone inlaid with strips of white marble. The approach to the mosque is via broad flights of steps that lead through gateways into a massive courtyard with a central basin and fountain. The eastern gateway was opened only for the emperor, and later for the governor-general Massive doors are overlaid with brass arabesques. On the western side, the prayer hall is capped by three domes decorated with alternate stripes of black and white marble, with the top parts covered in gold. These are flanked by minarets, The domes rise above a facade of eleven bays, over which are tablets of white marble inlaid with inscriptions in black marble giving the history of the building and glorifying the reign and virtues of Shat Jahan. The floor of the prayer hall imitates a Muslim prayer mat in black and white marble, with a thin black border divided into spaces for 899 worshippers. Fittingly, the present imam is a direct descendant of the imam appointed by Shah Jahan to inaugurate the mosque on July 23, 1656."


"Grande mosquée 8h jusqu’au coucher du soleil 300 roupies pour les touristes "


"più grande moschea in asia"


"VLOG #3 BIENVENUE EN INDE LES GARS!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oiO3IWAkM8&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrTqXMpyvgOqAMYXZ3Woy6mP&index=4"


"is busy. Only the can find there way through the huge crowd, especially around prier time near the"


"Mosquee la plus typique de l'Inde"


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