Nazca Lines
Nazca Lines Nazca Lines Nazca Lines Nazca Lines Nazca Lines Nazca Lines Nazca Lines
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Monument #Ancient #Landmark #Historical site/Building to visit #Visite
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"UNESCO World Heritage Long before the emergence of the Incas, Peruvian natives had developed a number of sophisticated cultures. The strongest evidence for this can be found in the fascinating Naza Lines, a series of large, prehistoric images etched into the earth's surface. The purpose of these mysterious drawings is still unknown, although there is no shortage of imaginative theories about their origin and purpose. The Naza Lines consist of dozens of different images, spread across the desert floor. Many depict stylized creatures, among them a monkey with a spiral tail, a lizard, a hummingbird, and a whale. Others form geometric shapes, such as triangles and trapezoids. The pictures were created on a high, arid plateau. They were "drawn" by removing surface gravel and brush to reveal the lighter soil underneath. The images have survived for centuries because of the area's unique climate, which is relatively free from rain, wind, and dust, although the images are now coming under threat from modern commercialism. The Nazca Lines can be seen properly only from above, so it is hardly surprising that they were first spotted in the 1920s when air travel was on the rise. Soon after their discovery, the theorizing began. Among other notions, the lines have been interpreted as open-air, astronomical calendars; alien landing strips; ancient ley lines; oversized versions of textile patterns; and aids for shamanistic visions. The most detailed research was carried out by Dr. Maria Reiche (1903-98), who devoted much of her career to the images. She also set up a viewing platform (mirador) and opened a museum and research center. In terms of publicity, however, the greatest impact came from author Erich von Däniken. In his international best seller, Chariot of the Gods (1968), he linked the lines with extraterrestrial visitors."


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