Château de la Wartbourg
Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg Château de la Wartbourg
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"UNESCO World Heritage Best preserved Romanesque secular building north of the Alps Founded by Ludwig der Springer, Wartburg Castle developed from a simple military camp into one of Germany's finest fortresses. The earliest part of the castle is the watchtower, constructed by Ludwig in 1067. In 1155 work began on the imposing Great Hall (Palas). Adjoining the Great Hall is the Minstrels' Hall, the scene of a famous contest in the early thirteenth century between Germany's courtly troubadours, which provided the inspiration for Richard Wagner's opera Tannhäuser. Wartburg was the scene of several other important events in German history. In 1521 Protestant reformer Martin Luther was given refuge in the castle by Frederick the Wise, after Luther's excommunication by the pope. While staying there- hidden under the assumed identity of Junker Jörg he translated the New Testament from Greek into German. In 1817 Wartburg was the location for nationalist celebrations by some 450 members of the German Students Association, an important first step toward the eventual unification of Germany in 1871. During the nineteenth century the castle saw a systematic program of restoration that also included a series of frescoes by Moritz von Schwind in the Great Hall. After World War II, the East German government refurbished the castle; the works included restoration of the room used by Luther, complete with its original floor and paneled walls. Of special interest, displayed on a desk he is reputed to have used, is Luther's bible, annotated with comments from the great reformer and his colleagues. Luther's room has become a scene of pilgrimage for Protestant clergy and students of the Reformation, who also visit the Luther House in Eisenach, only a short distance away. Other features of Wartburg Castle include the half-timbered knights' house and the lofty South Tower, built in 1318."


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