Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's Rao's

Rao's - Restaurant Italien Célèbre à NYC

Rao's est un restaurant italien emblématique situé à NYC, offrant une expérience culinaire inoubliable. Cet établissement est réputé pour sa cuisine italienne authentique et son ambiance intime. Avec plus de 38 ans d'histoire, Rao's est un lieu prisé par les célébrités et les habitants de la ville. Réserver une table à Rao's peut être difficile en raison de sa popularité, mais l'attente en vaut la peine. Profitez de plats italiens classiques, comme les boulettes de viande sauce tomate, et savourez l'atmosphère unique de ce restaurant privé. Pour une expérience inoubliable à NYC, réservez votre table à Rao's dès maintenant et découvrez pourquoi ce lieu est une véritable institution gastronomique.

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#Popular tags
#Restaurant #Italian #Italien #Dinner #Food
What users are saying

"Step aside Leonardo DiCaprio and Martha Stewart, we’re trying to get a table at Rao’s. This celebrity-studded hub is notoriously the most difficult reservation to get in NYC. Every single table has been booked every night for the past 38 years, so how do we get in? Although most tables are assigned to steady customers, we highly recommend going early and getting a drink at the bar. After a few negronis, you can muster up the courage to talk to Frank Pellegrino Jr., the co-owner of this East Harlem Institution who is always walking around and schmoozing. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a taste of the most delicious red sauce—at the bar, of course."


"Step aside Leonardo DiCaprio and Martha Stewart, we’re trying to get a table at Rao’s. This celebrity-studded hub is notoriously the most difficult reservation to get in NYC. Every single table has been booked every night for the past 38 years, so how do we get in? Although most tables are assigned to steady customers, we highly recommend going early and getting a drink at the bar. After a few negronis, you can muster up the courage to talk to Frank Pellegrino Jr., the co-owner of this East Harlem Institution who is always walking around and schmoozing. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a taste of the most delicious red sauce—at the bar, of course."


"Tres difficile pour reserver (Ny Times) "


"Resto privé. Boulettes de viande sauce tomate "


"Have to know a celebrity or be on waitlist for a year"


"Restaurant dans le loup de Wall Street"


"Restaurant that started the commercialized sauce"


"Gordon Ramsay pizza recommended "


"need to be in with the italian mafia to get in apparently"


"Getting a table is supposed to be as hard as winning the lottery, scratch off success and you can snack like The Godfather himself "


"Super exclusive 10 tables “owned” by famous and rich. Invite only!"


Approved by 1 official partners
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