Barge East
Barge East Barge East Barge East Barge East
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Pub #Drinks #Coffee #Food
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"À essayer esprit guinguette le midi au soleil ou le soir "


"££ - vibey in the sun, a lot of seating around the barge. Don’t get food - overpriced (burgers look good but pricey)"


"10h-15h marche ecoresponsable le weekend "


"sur une peniche cuisine ouverte plats gouteux"


"Went with Georgie - had the duck - amazing"


"Dinner on the boat, veggie and vegan options available Two dinning areas : one average 'pub food menu' or delicious set menu "


"Marche de noël avec street food "


"Beautiful location and set menu on the boat ⛵️ "


"floating restaurant in east London. Good for large group "


"Three summers ago, a group of friends somewhat inexplicably sailed a traditional Dutch Barge from Holland to Hackney Wick and converted her into a floating restaurant and bar. The riverside views across Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and seasonal British menu quickly caught on, and the barge became something of a destination. They've now sprawled into a giant beer garden which seats 300, one of the largest outdoor dining areas in East London. There's also an outdoor Street Kitchen - think buttermilk chicken, scotch eggs and chickpea panisses - and bookable greenhouse booths for groups of six. What's not to love?"


"Amazing food on a barge, quite pricey "


"A côté de Barge Eat, 2 petits spots sympas (dont un sur un bateau) pour prendre l’apéro au soleil l’aprem"


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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