Beacon's Closet - Friperie Vintage à Brooklyn
Beacon's Closet est un magasin de shopping incontournable à Brooklyn. Avec plusieurs enseignes dans la région, Beacon's Closet propose une large sélection de vêtements et accessoires vintage de qualité. Que vous recherchiez des pièces uniques ou des petits accessoires sympa, vous trouverez votre bonheur chez Beacon's Closet. Les prix sont abordables, bien que certains articles puissent être un peu plus élevés. Ne manquez pas cette friperie vintage prisée par les amateurs de mode et de style rétro à Brooklyn.
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Approuvé par 6 partenaires officiels

The Lazy Frenchie in NYC
"Fashion thrift store with affordable prices"



Vittoria Tomassini

Valentine Cinier

Mélody Collange
Autres lieux à voir autour
"Beaucoup de choix, prix assez élevés"
"Vu sur YT Clara Victoria. Énorme et pas tres cher. MUST GO"
"Every section feels organized and in its right place. As far as higher-end clothing goes, Beacon’s Closet is one of the best thrift stores in Bushwick if you want to browse a great range of labels. Almost all of the men’s and women’s fashion at this store is unique, bold, and carefully picked. Some of these items may be on the more expensive side, but most of them are affordable. Beacon’s Closet also gives you the opportunity to sell any unwanted clothing in exchange for store credit or cash. However, like mentioned earlier, Beacon is very specific about what they take in—so keep that in mind and don’t be completely heartbroken if your items don’t get selected. If you’re hoping to sell or exchange your clothing at this Bushwick thrift shop, call them up to find out the type of items they are currently buying or labels they are looking for to increase your chances."
"Good selection but crowded "
"Friperie, prix un peu élevés "
"STREETWEAR FOCUSED /// One of the city's most prominent vintage chains, the 20-year-old company has spread from a spot on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg (then considered a dead zone for foot traffic) into four locations across Brooklyn and Manhattan. It's a can't-miss location on any respectable city guide because it's right at the sweet spot of vintage gear. Nowhere else will you so easily find trousers from the '70s, staple tees from the '90s, legitimate fashion house outputs, and recent drops from your favorite streetwear brands and boutiques alike. It's also one of the few places on this list that will buy your stuff, so you can rationalize your purchases a little more soundly. I've done that frequently to offset my compulsive shopping outside the store and when I swing through to methodically peruse the black T-shirt section of the Bushwick shop. That store is your best bet if you're looking more for streetwear or some of the cheaper pieces that have inspired it, and Greenpoint should be your go-to if you're more interested in high-end brands. We'll see how that changes as high-fashion's embrace of streetwear trickles further into the resell market. "
"très belle sélection mais trop cher ☹️"
"Plusieurs adresses/ beaucoup de choix à petits prix "
"super fripe dans Bushwick !"
"Best thrift shop of the city ♡ • everything is color-sorted 🌈 • Beautiful pieces at affordable prices! "
"Fashion thrift store with affordable prices"
"buy-sell-trade - vintage and modern clothing - you don't wait for your items to sell before you receive your money"