Southampton Arms
Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms Southampton Arms
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364 utilisateurs

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#Pub #Restaurant #Beer #Drinks #Bière
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"pub avec bonne bouffe, sandwich, scotch eggs pas cher Time out London "


"Authentic pub. Delicious pork baps "


"“There’s rarely a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than a bracing walk in Hampstead heath followed by a pint by the fire and a pork roll at the Southampton Arms. A proper boozer with tables full of regulars, this is a pub that does things properly. Independent Ales, warm pork and apple rolls, Mature cheddar and chutney sarnies, it’s as British as you can get.”"


"Sam (fav in the world) and Thanasis (top 5) fav pub"


"Classic pub - Alev’s spot and has a garden 7.3"


"Time out 2023 best London pub n2"


"Un des meilleurs pub de Londres, 4,7/5. Avec 18 sortes de bières et de cidre brassés à la main. "


"The sign outside announces ‘ale, cider, meat’, and that pretty much sums up what’s on offer at one of the best pubs in north London. It's their small but powerful bar snack menu that really sets this boozer apart. The roast pork bap is the finest meaty treat in town and comes complete with heroic crackling and oozy apple sauce. Vegetarians won't be lonely; there are cheese baps and veggie Scotch eggs on offer, too. Price: Hot roast pork bap £5.95; pork pies £4.50; cheese and chutney bap £5.75. "


"Great selection of real ales & amazing hog roast rolls for £5"


"Pub with pork sammies. Infatuation "


"Very good local pub. Local beers and ciders. The pork bun is amazing. "


"Très très cool, servent que des bières et cidres de petites brasseries "


"Recommandé par Emmanuel Jarry"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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