Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone

Cornerstone - Restaurant de fruits de mer britannique moderne avec une étoile Michelin

Situé dans un cadre romantique, Cornerstone propose un menu dégustation de poissons préparés par Tom Brown, un chef renommé dans la cuisine britannique moderne. Avec une étoile Michelin, ce restaurant offre une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle dans une ambiance chaleureuse et paisible.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Seafood #British #Fish #Michelin
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"A young chef that brings you fish with a twist. Small dishes to share. PLAN B: Have a beer at Crate Brewery which is not far away."


"Recommended by Teo’s colleagues"


"Excellent from start to finish Food amazing went with two chef friends who both loved the whole experience "


"Tom Brown’s restaurant Cornerstone (named after his favorite Arctic Monkeys track), Tom’s specialty is fish. Cornerstone’s menu is dictated by the markets—what’s the best produce today?—so it’s constantly changing, sometimes even hour to hour. "


"Dish to order: Hake kyiv Tom Brown learnt his trade in the stable of Nathan Outlaw, whose eponymous London and Cornish restaurants both hold Michelin stars. A few years ago Brown has opened a place of his own – just two minutes from Hackney Wick, the space is light and bright, with a handful of terracotta-potted succulents and pendant lights above the open kitchen. Somewhat more surprising though, that kitchen is right in the middle of the restaurant, so there’s not a bad seat in the house. Start with a Cornerstone G&T, made with own-brand gin that’s been distilled with cloudy apple juice from Polgoon Orchard in Cornwall rather than water and served with apple, samphire and a herbal tonic. As for food, you can’t avoid the fishiness – but then again, that’s what you’re here for. Crispy hake kyiv comes with mussel butter and parsely emulsion, crab thermidor piled onto a warm (and well-buttered) crumpet."


"Top Chef judge. Chef/owner Tom Brown"


"the food looks very good - modern british. cozy, quiet vibe"


"Interesting cuisine, yet too expensive in our opinion."


"Tom Brown is an alumnus of Nathan Outlaw and it shows in his skilful cooking of fish and shellfish. His concise menu is dictated by both the seasons and the latest catch, and his assured, understated dishes are packed with bold, clearly defined flavours, as well as plenty of originality. Raw dishes compete with those that are cooked – and there’s often more to combinations than first meets the eye. Ensure you start with some snacks, such as the treacle cured ling 'ham', before moving on to dishes which burst with complementary flavours, like gurnard with roast onion dashi, red chilli and smoked anchovy. The open kitchen sits in the centre of the pared-down, faux-industrial style room, allowing you to watch the chefs in action, and creating a lively, buzzy vibe."


"1 Stella Michelin ma economico"


"1 Michelin star 2024 Chef Tom Brown (alumnus of Nathan Outlaw) Tom Brown is an alumnus of Nathan Outlaw and it shows in his skilful cooking, which is dictated by the daily catch. Assured, understated dishes are packed with bold, clearly defined flavours and plenty of originality, and there’s often more to combinations than first meets the eye. Raw dishes compete with those that are cooked; ensure you start with some snacks – such as the chalk stream trout pastrami – before moving on to plates which burst with complementary flavours. The room has a pared-down, faux-industrial style and the open kitchen creates a lively, buzzy vibe."


"Cornish chef Tom Brown’s lauded seafood restaurant. Industrial chic dining room. Pickled oyster and mackerel pate on toasted sourdough bread"


"award winning by Tom Brown"


"Seriously good food by Tom Brown"


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