The Paddock Bakery
The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery The Paddock Bakery

The Paddock Bakery - Café & Boulangerie à Gold Coast

Niché dans une charmante maison des années 70 restaurée avec soin, The Paddock Bakery est bien plus qu'un simple café. C'est un lieu où l'on savoure un délicieux brunch, accompagné d'un café d'exception et de pâtisseries fraîches sorties du four à bois. Laissez-vous tenter par notre sélection de pains et de douceurs maison, confectionnés avec passion. Notre cafétéria rustique est l'endroit idéal pour se détendre et déguster un café tout en dégustant nos délicieuses pâtisseries. Venez vivre une expérience culinaire inoubliable au Paddock Bakery, conseillé par nos fidèles clients et réputé pour sa qualité et son ambiance conviviale. Que ce soit pour un petit-déjeuner gourmand ou un brunch entre amis, notre établissement saura combler toutes vos envies de douceurs matinales. Rejoignez-nous et découvrez pourquoi nous sommes l'une des adresses incontournables de Gold Coast pour les amateurs de café, de boulangerie et de brunch.

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"Nice breakfast/brunch and great cookies "


" 9/10 Very cute breakfast place/bakery made from an old barn. Lots of seating in different areas but personal favourite is up in the loft for a more novelty experience and privacy (also has takeaway from a horse float which is pretty cool. Only downside is parking - designated parking is nearly always full and so hard to get a street park. Visited mid 2021 with Leda and Lucy as the rest of the brunch squad couldn’t make it. Ordered Donut Apple French Toast (and sampled bagel Benedict - very good bagel) Visited mid 2021 with Kate, Eesha and Jayron because Jayron had been wanting to organise brunch for ages. Ordered Field Mushrooms (and sampled Toad in the Hole and some cranberry sour dough) Visited October 2021 with Abby before a house inspection at Tweed and had to rescue her from the rain because she didn’t have an umbrella. Ordered Chai latte and shared a caramel crumble donut. Visited 27th March 2022 with Ashraf and Jina to finally catch up with Jina now she’s back from Korea. Ordered Donut Strawberry French Toast (and sampled Mex salad which had very nice fritters/chipotle mayo, some of the best sweet potato chips I’ve had, and the steak pie which was beautifully slow cooked). Also grabbed Ruby cruffin to take away. Visited 6th April 2022 with Ashraf to fit in a catch up before the Easter break. Ordered Easter Dippy Eggs (and sampled Turkey Cranberry sandwich and Hot Cross Bun which were both good but nothing particularly special). Also grabbed Clucky Cruffin and Choc Easter Nest Donut to take away Meals Donut French Toast: look what can I say, it’s a donut made into French toast it’s gonna be good. Special mention to the mascarpone and the cinnamon sugar for making it even more delicious. Field Mushroom: was very impressed by the sheer amount of mushroom and massive slice of pumpkin, and the crispy kale was possibly the only way I’ve ever enjoyed kale (if a bit too oily) Toad in the Hole: gets a special mention despite not being my meal because I was deeply underwhelmed. I almost ordered it because it was nostalgic and looked so cool but it really didn’t have much flavour even with the relish, just egg and (admittedly good) bread Donut Strawberry French Toast: again, Donut + French Toast = a very good time. Not sure what brand of vanilla icecream they use but it was delicious, and the combination of freeze dried strawberries with the strawberry gel plus the little surprise custard between the layers was so good. Easter Dippy Eggs: was honestly so excited to try this - it shows up on every “must try” list around Easter. They take their normal dippy eggs and make it sweet by putting creme and caramel in a Cadbury chocolate egg to mimic normal eggs, French toast sticks instead of normal toast sticks, and some pretzel and chocolate crumbs. It was incredible. From the presentation to the flavour of the creme to all the toppings and the sheer amount of cinnamon on the French toast, fully lived up to the hype. Drinks Chai latte: good balance of sweet and spicy, not watery or grainy Pastries Caramel donut: the donut itself was fairly standard, nice and fresh and fluffy, but the salty crunchy caramel pretzel crumb was so good it bordered on addictive Ruby Cruffin: so good. Crispy layers of cruffin with tonnes of cinnamon, filled with a passionfruit cream. All the gels on top (raspberry and passionfruit) made it really fresh too, and the Ruby chocolate with a bite of pastry was beautiful. Clucky Cruffin: now this one made me think I somehow got a dud with my previous cruffin. The sheer amount of hazelnut creme inside was amazing (a much better ratio to go with all the pastry now that I’ve tried it this way). Was definitely richer than the last one which was to be expected with the hazelnut ganache which was shockingly good coming from someone who’s not huge on hazelnut, and an adorable meringue chick. As with last time the combo of cinnamon/chocolate/pastry was so good Easter Nest Donut:"


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