Don Antonio
Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio Don Antonio

Don Antonio - Restaurant italien spécialisé en pizza

Don Antonio est un restaurant italien situé au 309 W. 50th St. à New York. Réputé pour ses pizzas napolitaines, il propose également des options sans gluten. Les pizzas sont préparées avec une pâte à base de levain de Naples, vieille de plus de 200 ans, pour une authenticité incomparable. Recommandé par Anne Cha, cet établissement est réputé pour ses pizzas sans gluten, considérées comme les meilleures de la ville. Si vous recherchez de bonnes pizzas italiennes à New York, Don Antonio est l'endroit idéal. Venez déguster une pizza napolitaine traditionnelle et savoureuse dans ce restaurant italien de renom.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Pizza #Italien #Italian #Pizzeria
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Pistachio pesto pizza with sausage is amazing "


"WORLDWIDE PLAZA-Office Building between W. 49th St. and W. 50th St. between 8th and 9th Av. with the front of the building on 8th Av. We meet on the W. 50th St. side of the building under the covered outdoor portion of the building closer to 8th Av. There is a pizza restaurant called Don Antonio, 309 W. 50th St. (use only this address for GPS). If you spot that restaurant, you will find your meeting point on the other side of W. 50th St. UNDER-THE-OVERHANG of the Worldwide Plaza office building. Both the C and E trains stop right by Worldwide Plaza at the 50th St. station during regular service times if you are using the subway to meet us. In addition, the 1 train to 50th St. at Broadway and the N, R and W trains to 49th St. at 7th Av. are a short, approximately one block walk away as are the B ,D,F and M trains one block farther at the Rockefeller Center station (47th/50th St.) at 6th Av. (check the MTA for any service changes-mostly on nights and weekends)."


"Italian place recommended by Anne cha "


"italien pizzas napolitaines pas cher"


"Restaurant italien, les pizzas sont bonnes "


"Don Antonio’s knows its way around a pie. The namesake outpost, located in Naples, has been running strong since 1901. If that isn’t enough street cred to send you running to this beloved midtown pizzeria, then the generous buzz surrounding Roberto Caporuscio’s other NY venture, Kesté, will do the trick. This kitchen's signature is the Montanara Starita—a lightly fried pizza laced with house-made tomato sauce, smoked mozzarella and basil, then finished in the wood-fired oven. But really, who could stop there with treasures like the salsiccia e friarielli pizza to sample, highlighting crumbled fennel sausage, smoked mozzarella, rapini greens and a swirl of EVOO. Filled with unique Sicilian varietals, this wine list is more thoughtful than it needs to be."


"💸💸 (17$ la calzone frit au peperonni) ❤️❤️❤️"


"Restaurant italien napolitain Petit frère de la célèbre pizzeria Starita située au pied du Vesuve "


"Superbe pizza derrière Times Quare "


"Great walk in pizza place. No resy - get there at 6 for no wait. Apps and wine list pretty good. Keste pizza( pizza with prosciutto and arugula) was phenomenal"


"Independent pizza place. $20-25 a pizza. Incredibly good. "


"Off time recommended or take out pizza"


"Excellentes pizzas napolitaines!! "


"Italian place across from work. Pretty good pizza. Went with other new paralegals and Steve on first day in office 08/2021."


"Molto buono ma molto costoso. Ho preso pizza con noci e zucchine. Cocktail molto buoni."


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.12 et 178. Meilleures pizza -Pizza del Papa, Pizza Pistacchio & Pizza Salsiccia"


"Alexis Conseil: calzone night and day "


"Conseil: calzone night and day"


"Bonne pizza mais salle assez bruyante "


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