Verona Arena
Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena Verona Arena

Verona Arena - Amphithéâtre romain, opéra en plein air et monument historique

Les arènes de Vérone, également connues sous le nom d'Amphithéâtre romain, sont un monument historique et un site archéologique incontournable à visiter lors de votre séjour à Vérone. Construites en 30 apr. J.-C., elles pouvaient accueillir environ 30 000 spectateurs. Aujourd'hui, elles sont principalement utilisées pour des représentations d'opéra en plein air, mais elles ont également une riche histoire en tant qu'arène pour les combats de gladiateurs et les jeux aquatiques spectaculaires. Les arènes de Vérone sont le mieux conservé d'Italie et le troisième pour sa taille après le Colisée de Rome et l'amphithéâtre de Capua près de Naples. Ce monument historique est classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Si vous êtes un amoureux de l'art et de l'histoire, une visite des arènes de Vérone est un must absolu lors de votre visite de la ville. Réservez votre visite à l'avance sur le site Les horaires d'ouverture sont de 8h30 à 19h30 du mardi au dimanche et de 13h45 à 19h30 le lundi. L'entrée coûte entre 10 et 15€. Venez découvrir ce monumento historique et assister à un opéra en plein air pour une expérience inoubliable à Vérone.

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"19/09/2022 Concerto di Mika ❤️‍🩹"


"Arena ANFITEATRO (%045 800 32 04, 045 800 51 51; https://museo maffeiano .comune .verona .it, www .arena .it; Piazza Bra; interi/ridotti €10/7,50, gratuito con Verona Card; h13 .30-19 .30 lun, 8 .30-19 .30 mar-dom, in occasione di spettacoli e mag-ott orario variabile) Difficile trovare, non solo a Verona ma in tutta Europa, un monumento tanto antico eppure così essenziale per la vita attuale di una città. L’Arena non si limita a descrivere lo sfarzo della Verona augustea, ma accoglie ancora migliaia di spettatori nel teatro lirico all’aperto più grande del mondo. E il calcare della Valpolicella, usato per facciata e strutture portanti, contribuisce con le sue sfumature bicrome, bianca e rosata, alla magia di questi eventi. Anfiteatro eretto nel I secolo d.C., deve il suo nome all’harena, la sabbia che i romani usavano in occasione delle gare cui era destinato. Innalzato appena fuori dalle mura cittadine e per più di un secolo teatro di combattimenti fra gladiatori, solo nel 265 d.C. fu inglobato nella città grazie agli interventi voluti dall’imperatore Gallieno. L’Arena fu poi impiegata per scopi militari, e per questo subì gravi danneggiamenti prima del restauro di Teodorico, che la riportò alla funzione originaria, ossia quella di ospitare spettacoli. Ma durante il"


" Verona's amphitheatre was built c.40 years before the Colosseum to host gladiators. Incredibly, it's still in use today as a concert venue, and its elliptical shape and tiered seating layout are remarkably similar to modern stadium designs. At its height it could accommodate 30,000 people. It has been rocked by earthquakes during its history and was restored most notably during the Renaissance by the Venetian Republic."


"Assister à un opéra ! Possibilité d’acheter des places le jour de la représentation "


"Didn’t go inside, but nice to see from the outside "


"Pas pu rentrer car répétitions pour un opéra mais rien que de l’extérieur c’est très joli. Prévoir d’y voir un spectacle doit être assez dinguo "


"Rien à voir à l'intérieur à part des sièges "


"Moies fréih goen, dann ass et net sou voll. Ass flott fir et eemol ze gesinn. Am summer sinn do operen"


"UNESCO World Heritage Verona's Roman arena is the third-largest amphitheater in Europe after the Colosseum in Rome and the one at Capua, near Naples. Since ancient times, actors have been treading the boards on what is the widest stage in the world. It was built in the first century C.E., under the reign of the emperor Augustus, in a city immortalized by writers ranging from the Latin poet Catullus to Shakespeare. An enduring symbol of Verona, and an archeological treasure-house, the Arena is a triumph of Roman architecture, originally accommodating 30,000 spectators-a substantial arena even by today's standards. The Romans built their arena outside the city walls, embellishing it with white marble ashlars quarried from the local mountains. In 265, the city walls were extended by the emperor Gallienus and the amphitheater became part of the city. In the twelfth century the outer ring was largely destroyed by an earthquake, but otherwise it has withstood the ravages of time extremely well and is one of the world's best-preserved amphitheaters of the Roman period. As well as hosting gladiatorial games, a complex drainage system also made spectacular aquatic games possible. In the Middle Ages, the Arena hosted more ritualized combats in the form of jousts and tournaments. By the eighteenth century, the Arena was specifically reserved for theatrical performances, and in 1913 it was chosen for the first time to stage the Lyrical season. The overwhelming success of the event was sealed by a performance of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida. Ever since, on summer evenings, the operas performed at the Arena attract thousands of people from all over the world, eager to become part of the history of a monument that, after 2,000 years, continues to amaze its visitors."




"Opéra Turandot prévu le 10/08/22. "


"Le festival d’opéra dans les arènes a l’air incroyable "


"Diciamolo, insieme a Romeo e Giulietta, l’Arena di Verona è il simbolo della città. È un imponente anfiteatro Romano che risale al I sec d.C. e la sua capienza è di 12.500 posti (originariamente poteva ospitarne fino a 30.000!). Orari: da martedì a domenica 9:00 – 19:00 (lunedì chiuso) Costo: € 10,00"


"un peu d'antiques avec ses arènes avant Rome !"


"Très beau mais pas trop de documentation à l'intérieur... "


"pas forcément intéressant de rentrer à l'intérieur"


"Miglior grado di conservazione - spettacoli di cantanti internazionali "


"ᖇᗴᗰᗴᗰᗷᗴᖇ ᐯᗴᖇᗝᑎᗩ 🌔 . . . . . 📍"


""La musica è il linguaggio universale dell'umanità." (H. W. Longfellow)"


"La belle arène de Vérone, petite réplique du Colisée de Rome."


"Magnifiques arènes bien mises en valeur ! "


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