Toro Toro Toro Toro Toro Toro Toro Toro
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Tapas #Spanish #Dinner #Boston
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"nYT best list, her bone marrow, Spanish tapas"


"Top 50 2023 Boston Magazine « Toro continues to dazzle diners after nearly two decades in the South End. Maybe it’s the familiarity of tapas like crispy patatas bravas, grilled octopus with pimentón aioli, and garlicky pan con tomate that keeps us coming back. »"


"Post-MPRE ramen with janelle. The takoyaki appetizer was very flavorful "


"True to its Spanish spirit, Toro is bursting with energy, from the open kitchen to the communal butcher-block tables. The menu features simple but sublime tapas - seared foie gras with pistachio and sour cherries; grilled corn on the cob dripping with aioli, lime and cheese; and delectable, garlicky shrimp. Wash it down with rioja, sangria or spiced-up mojitos"


"Great tapas restaurant with nice cocktails. Great grillied corn on the cob. A bit pricy. Loud music. But great veggie paella B+"


"Great food but I did not care for the outside decor/ambiance. "


"octopus, paella, maiz, patatas"


"Chefs and owners Ken Oringer and Jamie Bissonnette team up for one of the city's most popular restaurants. Toro, open for over a decade in the South End, serves modern and traditional tapas ranging from simple grilled corn to elaborate dishes pairing seafood and charcuterie with rich, bold flavors that keep the crowds lining up at the energetic spot."


"Tapas, très cher mais très bon"


"Tasty ass tapas! Thanks for the recommendation @jt_thibodeau 👌🏼"


"Pretty authentic Tapas with an outdoor space that is great. Often crowded with long wait. They don’t take reservations. "


"Barcelona-style tapas restaurant."


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