Benu Benu Benu Benu Benu Benu Benu Benu Benu
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382 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Michelin #Korean #Preferiti #Asian
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"San Francisco è all’avanguardia della cucina fusion asiatica da 150 anni, ma lo chef e proprietario del Benu, Corey Lee, offre piatti squisiti e innovativi come la zuppa di ravioli con foie gras. Il granciporro del Pacifico e la crema al tartufo rendono talmente gustosa la finta zuppa di pinne di squalo che potreste scommettere che lo squalo ci sia veramente. Cenare qui è costoso, ma sarebbe un peccato perdersi i geniali abbinamenti del noto som melier Yoon Ha ($185)."


"Three Michelin stars, rated in the top 10 best restaurants in the U.S"


"Fancy contemporary Asian food."


"M***. Top 100 restaurant in the world 2021"


"3 Michelin stars 2024 The World’s 50 Best Restaurants 2019 Chef Corey Lee Benu is an oasis in the center of the city. Patience seems to define this kitchen in its relentless pursuit of excellence, whether that may be perfecting technique or waiting for just the right moment to serve an ingredient at its peak. Meals begin with a series of highly technical small bites. While these delicacies alone may rival some of the country's most ambitious tasting menus, there's more. Faux-shark's fin and xiao long bao are a delightful classic, but Chef Corey Lee continues to reimagine and redefine his nightly offerings. Dishes like barbecued quail with house-made XO sauce and an elevated take on traditional Korean beef barbecue convey a distinct personality and reflect a singular marriage between contemporary Asian influences."


"America’s 38 essential restaurants "


"Thousand year old quail egg, faux shark fin soup, lobster xiao long bao"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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