KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser
KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser KUNST HAUS WIEN. Museum Hundertwasser

KUNST HAUS WIEN - Musée Hundertwasser et architecture

Le KUNST HAUS WIEN est un musée d'architecture situé dans un bâtiment atypique, autrefois une usine de meubles. L'artiste Hundertwasser a rénové ce lieu avec son style caractéristique, mêlant verre, métal, brique, bois et céramique dans un assemblage multicolore. Explorez ce musée fascinant et découvrez les créations inspirées de Gaudi. Le musée abrite également une exposition photo intitulée 'Unseen places' de Gregor Sailor. Ne manquez pas cette visite intéressante et agréable dans ce joli endroit. Le tarif d'entrée est de 11 euros. Planifiez votre visite dès maintenant !

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#Musée #Museum #Architecture #Café #Monument
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"Born Friedrich Stowasser in Vienna in 1928, this artist and architect took on the more grandiose name Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser during a stint at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Preferring spirals and curves to straight lines, he designed many eccentric structures with mismatched windows, some with trees growing out of them, undulating floors, bright tiles, and unexpected domes and curves. Three of his most famous structures can be seen in Vienna; the municipal heating plant Fernwarmewerk, the Hundertwasserhaus apartment building, and the KunstHaus, which is a museum of his works. Hundertwasser grew up in WWII-era Germany. Born to Catholic and Jewish parents, he joined the Hitler Youth to avoid persecution. His unusual architecture is an extension of his overall philosophy, outlined in the 1950s in assorted manifestos with names like "Mouldiness Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture", and "Speech in Nude for the Right to a Third Skin", which must have been most interesting when presented live. He believed that happiness could be found in joyful design, and that the straight lines and boxes of traditional architecture were a problem to be solved. Hundertwasser's eccentric structures delight visitors in Austria, Germany, Japan and and New Zealand. His final design was built after his death in Magdeburg, Germany in 2005. The artist lived in New Zealand in his later years, and died in 2000 aboard the RMS Queen Mary 2 en route to Germany where he was to view his last work, the "Waldspirale" in Darmstadt. In Vienna: Hundertwasserhaus (private residence) Hundertwasser's most famous building was constructed between 1983 and 1986. The flowing lines and organic forms house 52 apartments and four offices, with plenty of room for living plants and trees. He accepted no payment for the massive building design, stating that it was worth it to him to see his design realized instead of having "something ugly" erected in its place. Kegelgasse 36-38, between Lowengasse and Untere Weissgerberstrasse. Fernwarmewerk Spittelau (heating plant) Famed for its golden sphere and colorful smokestack, the district heating plant may be his most striking work of op-art. Spittelauer Lande 45 Hundertwasser facade Hunderwasser only desiged the front of this mosaic covered building. Untere Weissgerberstrasse 27 KunstHausWien (museum) Housing a museum dedicated to Hundertwassser's work. Untere Weissgerberstrasse 13 Open Daily 11am-7pm. Admission free. Know Before You Go http://www.kunsthauswien.com/en/besucherinfo/directions-and-openinghours"


"museo di Hundertwasser da vedere da fuori "


"Jolie bâtiment + musée dedans d’art "


"Tous les jours de 10h a 18h00 Café ouvert jusqu'à plus tard 15 euros Friedensreich Hundertwasser qui s’est notamment inspiré des œuvres d’Antoni Gaudi,  "


"Tickets - €15 Only checked outside + shop"


"Kunsthaus (Musée Hundertwasser) Untere Weißgerberstraße 13 1030 Vienne Plein tarif: 15€ +65 ans: 12€ 10-18 ans et étudiants -26 ans: 6€ Gratuit -10 ans Tous les jours De 10h à 18h"


"Musée Hundertwasser, Kunsthaus. Incroyable et incontournable. Style psychédélique. Superbe."


"Fermé :( mais beau extérieur "


"Hôtel atypique d’extérieur. "


"Visite du musée avec Lara - Dimanche 11 Décembre 2022. Maison Hunderwasser Expo photo "Unseen places" Gregor Sailor. Super intéressant. Repas du midi (à 16h au café du musée). Très agréable. Joli endroit !"


"11 euros, jolie façade sinon"


"The KunstHausWien building was created as a result of the adaptation of the former Thonet furniture factory and represents the artist’s typical style: curvatures, uneven floors, a facade decorated with mosaics and plants being an integral part of the building."


"Hundertwasserhaustól 5 perc gyaloglásra van. Máshonnan: U1 vagy U4 Schwedenplazig, majd 1-es villamos, Radetzkyplatz megállóig. Vagy U3 vagy U4 metró Landstrasse/Wien mitte megállóig, majd O villamos, Radetzkyplatz megállóig."


"Si vous ne connaissez pas l'artiste / architecte Hundertwasser, c'est l'occasion d'aller dans ce musée."


"Un café rigolo, les boissons sont correctes mais pas fofolles."


"The Hundertwasser Museum presents the largest international collection of works by the highly original Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928 - 2000). A few steps from the "Hundertwasser Haus" on the Danube Canal, it is possible to admire his exceptional architectural work up close, both from the outside and from the inside, as well as his paintings, architectural sketches, graphic works and examples of commitment in the ecological field."


"This converted furniture factory is home to the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser, plus visiting exhibitions. Hundertwasser's florid paintings give you an insight into the evolution of his unique style, but it's the architectural models that really grab the imagination. "




"Expos + musée Hundertwasser"


"Tout un décor dédié à l’art en plein air avec galeries d’art, restaurants, boutiques... dans une architecture coloré et bariolée! "


"Musée du hundertwasserhaus Passer au moins devant car jolie façade "


"Hundertwasser architecture "


"Tout un musée sur Hundertwasser. Dans un bâtiment complètement loufoque on vous expliquera sa démarche créative au milieu de ces œuvres ! "


"Same style coloured houses. "


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