Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ Feedέλ
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237 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Grec #Terrasse #Dinner #Resto
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"« Plats de brasserie éclectiques et cocktails originaux servis dans un espace pittoresque et branché doté d'une terrasse. »"


"Why go? For a fine dining experience with an element of surprise. In the backyard of a neoclassical building in the center of Athens surrounded by apartment buildings from the 50s, chef Alexandros Tsiotinis has created a space where Greek cuisine meets French techniques and international inspiration that earned him a Michelin star. Do not miss the CTC Voyage, a blind tasting menu of 11 courses, and try it with the wine pairing recommended for the full experience. The dishes are a mystery until the moment presented to you, but you can hope for corn soup flavoured with lobster, and possibly an avocado dessert. Oh, and the service here is impeccable: the waiters could be choreographed."


"One of my favourite restaurants ever"


"Resto branché mais super tradi "


"Feedέλ blends Greek gourmet cuisine with traditional dishes, like in their tzatziki made with avocado, which adds a layer of fatty luxury to the classic dip. You might also find rooster spring rolls, or pork tenderloin with aubergine salad, white beets, and onion pickles. The cozy restaurant, owned by chef Leonidas Koutsopoulos, immediately became the talk of the town when it opened in 2016. The small backyard remains the perfect place to spend a summer night with friends and a few exquisite cocktails. [$$$]"


"Restaurant sympas un peu semi gastro avec des cocktails "


"très bon, cher mais vaut son prix "


"⭐️ Cadre extérieur très mignon, ambiance végétation & loupiotes sur la terrasse. Cocktails originaux - Symphony une tuerie. Tapas à partager OK."


"goûter poulpe!! wine bar finger Ford recommandé par Alis "


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