Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square
Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square Tatte Bakery & Cafe | Harvard Square
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304 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Coffee #Café #Bakery #Breakfast
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Meilleure boulangerie, parfait pour le goûter ou le dej (super petits plats)"


"chaine bostonienne avec très bon café et viennoiseries "


"This upscale bakery and café with several locations in Boston takes pastries to the next level. From tea cakes to the Jerusalem bagel, expect hearty baked goods with an air of elegance and influenced by the owner’s Israeli heritage"


"Très bon cafés et desserts. Dommage que ce soit si cher. "


"AMAZING, reasonable prices, cute, wifi and outlets, good coffee, great food selection NYC & B 2023"


"Petit dej endroit stylé, un peu grand "


"- iced latte - pastries - celebratory snack after harvard yale game with anna, gab, madeleine, martin, sarah, georgio, grace, tian, and felipe "


"Great brunch/coffee/lunch/snack spot next to Harvard. Loved both my sandwich and prosciutto toast. Their house latte is my favorite. "


"on the expensive side; a chic, almost upscale cafe with pastries but also a 'restaurant' menu of breakfast, brunch, sandwiches, and shakshuka; always busy, even on a rainy monday - seating may be hard to find - also, it's loud; free wifi"


"Delicious seasonal menus. Great for self, friends, date, coworkers. So many baked goods. "


"Un salon de thé assez chic avec de bonnes pâtisseries, idéal quand la France nous manque."


"Almond milk latte. To try: farro bowl "


"Moroccan summer stew .. home made latte"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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