Datanla Waterfall
Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall Datanla Waterfall
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#Waterfall #Visite #Cascade #Nature #Waterfalls
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"Friday 7 AM–5 PM Saturday 7 AM–5 PM Sunday 7 AM–5 PM Monday 7 AM–5 PM Tuesday 7 AM–5 PM Wednesday 7 AM–5 PM Thursday 7 AM–5 PM"


"Roller coaster to reach the waterfalls"


"A fairly comprehensive review: It's quite difficult to get information online or find an employer who speaks English, so here we are. The falls themselves aren't the most spectacular but are worth a visit, walking around the area is nice, getting to the falls is probably the best part. Swimming is not permitted, so keep that in mind. However the water is far from clear so I wouldn't swim here anyway. There are several ways to access the waterfalls and there are two entrances (only a few minutes apart): - Main entrance: Simply pay 50k VND and walk to the waterfall, the walk is very beautiful and it's easy because it's just stairs. The descent is easy, the return uphill depends on your fitness level but you can always decide to take the ALPINE COASTER (which is basically a mini roller coaster) just for the return. IMPORTANT: If you do an activity to reach the falls the entrance fee is already included (apart from ALPINE COASTER 1 which is located behind the main entrance gates). - ALPINE COASTER 1: entrance fee 50k VND + 130k VND for return ticket (110k VND one way ticket). The one-way ticket can be used for the return journey which is uphill. The Alpine Coster 1 is shorter and less fun than the Alpine Coster 3 so I wouldn't recommend it. - ALPINE COASTER 3 (there is no Alpine Coaster 2 🤷‍♂️): 250k VND for the return ticket. Access for this is not from the main gate but it is very close at the second entrance, just ask if you can't find it. I did this and I have to admit it was fun and quite exciting too (FYI I'm an adventurous person). I had no one in front of me so I didn't have to stop along the way to wait for people that stop to take photos (apparently some do). The journey takes around 10 minutes but in my opinion it is worth the price. When I arrived on Wednesday midday there was no queue, if I had to wait 30 minutes or more in line I wouldn't recommend it. - Canyoning, 1,886,000 VND, 70 dollars for a short canyoning is insanity, I didn't do it. - Zipline, 1,000,000 VND, 40 dollars for a zipline is insanity, I didn't do it. Overall it's a good experience if there's no queue, otherwise to be honest you won't miss much."


"Très jolie et luge d’été à faire absolument !! "


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