Taberna Antonio Sanchez
Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez Taberna Antonio Sanchez
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Tapas #Restaurante #Ristorante #Taberna
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Visiblement un bon endroit pour manger le soir ou le midi (mais pas avant 13h, horaire espagnol oblige 🤪) ! Il paraît que c'est une taverne fondée en 1830 🙃 Pas loin de votre logement en plus ☺️"


"Sale en un programa de Madrid, antiguo, de los de siempre, para conocer"


"Très bon vermouth et vins. Taverne datant de 1780. Décors 19e"


"“Behind one of the best-preserved old taberna facades in Madrid hides this gem of a traditional tapas bar famous for its Madrid specialities – tortilla de san isidro, callos (tripe), morcilla (blood sausage), huevos estrellados (fried eggs) and a host of other excellent local favourites.” Passi di Lonely Planet Madrid Lonely Planet Il materiale potrebbe essere protetto da copyright."


"Una de las tabernas más antiguas de Madrid, buen servicio y cava de vinos "


"Nel cuore del quartiere Lavapiés, è la più antica taverna di Madrid. Un locale con quasi 250 anni di storia dove si può gustare la migliore cucina tradizionale spagnola, compresa la “coda di toro”."


"Vermú súper rico!!!!!! (callos con buena pinta)"


"Restaurante mítico de Madrid al que hay que ir una vez en la vida"


"tapas Our next pick is the ideal spot for history buffs. Taberna Antonio Sanchez is Madrid’s oldest tapas bar with every bit of charm you’d expect. Miraculously, much of the interior has remained untouched over the years. In fact, you can still see the original glass lantern that illuminated the bar so many years ago. You can’t leave without trying their most famous tapa and Madrid staple, rabo de toro (oxtail)."


"Excellent tapas. We went there with Eric and Paul for his bachelor "


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