Blat Picat
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233 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Healthy #Café #Colazione #Ristorante
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"We found this cute vegetarian place (with loads of vegan options) yesterday on our way back from the beach and we (luckily) stopped for an afternoon snack 🙌🏽. It’s a bit pricey imho but everything was amazing. Me and my friends liked it so much that we went back today for breakfast and we are thinking on going back every day for the remaining of our trip. 😬 We didn’t have to queue either time, but after we arrived (at around 10 AM) more people started to arrive and had to wait for a table to free up. So I recommend that you get there early in the morning to avoid the queues! The smoothies are also delicious so give them a try (I had the Tropical smoothie). I also recommend to give the banana bread a try, it was quite sweet and moist 🤤."


"Típico sitio de desayunos sanos , riquísimos y con encanto.Un pelin caro pero es genial merece la pena.😊🥦🥕"


"Perfetto per un frullato, una colazione o un brunch "


"Colazioni, centrifughe ecc ecc "


"➖ FORMENTERA | @blatpicatformentera ☕️ Empezamos el día con un desayuno y muy energético pre día de playa. 📝 Los que nos estáis pidiendo recomendaciones, deciros que tenéis una guía hecha en la web de []. ➕ Al llegar, la actualizaremos con los lugares que estamos descubriendo en esta escapada. 📲 👀 Os la dejamos también en el link de la bio y en IGstories."


"Vegetariano buenísimo para picar comer o lo que sea."


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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