Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - Découvrez la plus grande mosquée des Émirats arabes unis

La mosquée Sheikh Zayed, située à Abu Dhabi, est un lieu emblématique à visiter lors de votre séjour aux Émirats arabes unis. Cette magnifique mosquée est non seulement la plus grande des Émirats arabes unis, mais elle est également la 20e plus grande mosquée du monde. Avec une capacité d'accueil impressionnante de 40 000 personnes, elle offre une expérience culturelle et architecturale unique. Ne manquez pas de prendre des photos de ses détails architecturaux impressionnants, en particulier son design élaboré et ses magnifiques dômes. Une visite à la mosquée Sheikh Zayed est un incontournable pour tout voyageur en quête de découvertes fascinantes et de souvenirs inoubliables.

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"When there is beauty everywhere you look 👀😍"


"• There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect. 👁•"


"Walking on this wonderful art piece"


"28.12.20 with Poli // One of the world’s largest mosques. 82 domes, over a 1,000 columns, 24 carat guildes chandeliers and world’s largest carpet, surrounded by reflective pools. Covered in white and gold floral ornaments. After a long walk through the underground mazes, welcome to the sublime and majestic mosque of Abu Dhabi! Similar to a Taj Mahal in immaculate white, this monument is a must see because it is breathtakingly beautiful, whether you are Muslim or not! It is a moon mirror and it is not known. The famous Jonathan Speirs, master of lights at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London and so many other world landmarks, worked for two years to design software capable of modulating 19,000 spots according to the phases of our dear satellite. Thus the mosque is adorned with white ether mixed with shaded artifices reproducing the clouds at the time of the full moon and, following the shrinking of the crescent, it turns blue slowly over this chromatic breathing. Commissioned by Sheikh Zayed, its main architect buried on site, the building clad in Sivec marble - this immaculate material used for Diocletian's palace in Split - has 82 domes and four minarets launched at 107 m. A structure of 22,412 m², or five football fields, designed according to Moroccan plans, built in 2003 by the British from Halcrow and decorated by the Milanese from Spatium, for whom the road map was simple: make it beautiful. Objective achieved, which leaves us prohibited in front of this alliance of the curve and the lines, in gigantic and yet graceful volumes. 32,000 worshipers can fit in the enclosure outside and in the side rooms, while 9,000 enter the large prayer hall decorated with the largest carpet in the world, a Mecched of two and a half million knots signed Ali Khaliqi . Look up because here are the million Swarovski crystals from the 9-ton chandelier, the largest ever. Over the course of the visit, following an engaging and humorous guide, we approach these other treasures that are the columns garnished with semi-precious stones (agate, amethyst, lapis lazuli), the glass walls veined with colors, the mosaics Turkish. Message received at the end of a cultural experience lived without separating men from women, and discreetly wanted by the authorities as a political moment: the Islam of the Emirates is tolerant, beneficent and full of life. Accessible to all, a research library linked to the culture of the Muslim worlds has just been opened in the northern minaret. In 2017, the complex welcomed more than 5 million visitors."


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