The Deck Saigon
The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon The Deck Saigon
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323 utilisateurs

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#Restaurant #View #Terrace #Chic #Coffee
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Parfait pour les brunchs et les happy hours Un peu cher"


"They got the view to Saigon river and also have decor service for anyone who want to set up a date/proposal"


"Asian Food (recommendation Dior - 20 min voiture)"


"Dinar amb Ryan , Heidi, Harvest Glory costat riu molt maco, tides"


"The centre of Ho Chi Minh City can get a bit too much for everyone at times. The fumes, the noise, the motorbikes up on the pavements, all with soaring temperatures and humidity loaded on top. For some much needed peace and quiet, a trip over the river to District 2 is a must. Hidden at the end of a winding series of backstreets in the Thao Dien area of town, is The Deck, a bright, breezy and contemporary bar and restaurant space perched on the bank of the river itself. As you’ll see when you arrive, it’s not the sort of place you’d otherwise stumble upon as you explore Saigon, and although this list should, technically, be about the best secrets in the city, The Deck is famous among the expat crowd, and, more recently, among the more discerning travellers who might have spotted it in one of a few swanky travel guides and magazines that have blown the lid on this spot."


"A more expensive restaurant but a good one, with good food and a nice view of the river. Ask to sit outside on the deck if it’s possible when you’re doing the reservation "


"Pour un verre coucher de soleil"


"This restaurant/bar really could not have a better location: it sits right on the Southern bank of a long sweeping curve in the Saigon River"


"Martin-Super restaurant , très classe, demander à avoir une table sur le Mékong lors de la réservation. Cocktails en HH vraiment travaillés"


"The Deck is about a 20-minute drive for the city center, but can also be reached by boat. Its lush courtyard is filled with comfy daybeds. "


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