Bibliothèque Bodléienne
Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne Bibliothèque Bodléienne

Bibliothèque Bodléienne - Monument Culturel et Musée à Visiter à Oxford

La Bibliothèque Bodléienne, également connue sous le nom de Duke Humfrey's Library, est un monument culturel incontournable à Oxford. Inspirée par l'univers de Harry Potter, cette bibliothèque universitaire est un lieu emblématique où ont été tournées des scènes de la célèbre saga. Elle abrite l'une des plus belles collections de littérature et de musique au monde, avec plus de cinq millions de livres, des cartes, des manuscrits et une importante collection de musique. Fondée au XVe siècle, la bibliothèque est l'une des plus riches et des mieux approvisionnées au monde. Réservez votre visite à l'avance pour découvrir les trésors culturels et historiques de la Bibliothèque Bodléienne lors de votre prochain séjour à Oxford.

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Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Réservation minimum 1 mois à l'avance."


"Attention aux Graduation Day, on a pas pu visiter la library qu’on voulait "


"Home to one of the finest collections of literature and music in the world With approximately 90 miles (145 km) of shelves for considerably more than five million books, one million maps, some 150,000 manuscripts, and a substantial collection of music, the Bodleian Library is the country's second largest library (after the British Library in London) and one of the best stocked in the world. Its collection is constantly growing because it receives a free copy of every single book published in the United Kingdom. This practice has been going on since 1610. The Bodleian Library never lends a book and even King Charles I was once refused permission to borrow one. Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester, endowed a library for the university Divinity School in the fifteenth century and Duke Humfrey's Library, of 1488, is now one of the Bodleian's showpieces, along with the old Divinity School beneath it. The Bodleian mainly dates, however, from Sir Thomas Bodley's decision to retire from his career as a diplomat and refound the library. One thing he did was to install a series of bookcases, which are now the oldest ones surviving in England. When he died in 1613, he bequeathed most of his money to the library, as well as his collection of medieval manuscripts and hundreds of books. More manuscripts were given by William Laud, future Archbishop of Canterbury, after he was made chancellor of the university in 1629, and he built a new wing for them. The antiquarian John Selden left a notable collection when he died in 1659. The Bodleian's buildings include those in the Old Schools Quadrangle, which dates from 1619 and has a fine gate tower, the eighteenth-century Clarendon Building by Hawksmoor, and the Baroque, spectacularly domed 1748 Radcliffe Camera by James Gibbs. The New Bodleian across Broad Street dates from the 1930s."


"Library of hogwarts in 3 movies The medieval Duke Humfrey's library was used as the hogwarts library The elaborately vaulted divinity school next door became the hogwarts hospital"


"Lieux de tournage d'Harry Potter (Infirmerie + salle d'apprentissage de la danse avec Professeur McGonagall)"


"Oxford, South East England, England ⛪️ 牛津"


"Exceptional exhibitions and lovely gift shop. Book ahead for the 90-minute tour that includes the Radcliffe Camera."


"Réserver le guided tour en avance . pris d'assaut le samedi et sans tour, pas d'entrée ! "




"Un sublime monument, à visiter absolument."


"Exceptional exhibitions and lovely gift shop."


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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