Lion's Head
Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head Lion's Head
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225 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Nature #View #Walk #Visit #Hike
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Hike to do (not that hard). Just make sure that it’s not raining and that it is actually sunny. Otherwise you won’t see a single thing. I did it alone but some people take a guide, I don’t see the point unless you are « afraid »"


"Prachtige hike, nest pittig. Met sunset! "


"Another must if you're in Cape Town! There is one main starting point so you don't have to decide between different routes etc.., and you come down the same way. It should take usually 2 hours to the summit and back and it's doable for the average person, just requires some climbing over boulders and ladders towards the top. Avoid going on a weekend, but something to note is the juice truck at the starting point - so once you're done you can get a drink and order an uber down using their wifi."


"1h30-2h monté, vue de Cape Town + Table Mountain"


"26.12.22 | Ran up for a mind blowing sunset, 40min from parking It takes about an hour each way to cover the popular 2.2km-hike from Kloof Nek to the 669m summit. There are also hiking routes up from the Sea Point side"


"Rando d’1h30, niveau facile"


"If you don’t have much time, just must hike Lion’s head at sunrise, you have the most beautiful outlook over the city, the see and table mountain! "


"One day I'll come back, take revenge over the rain and hike Lion's Head. ☔🌄 . . . ----------------------------------------✈"


"Throw back when I was complètement free in Altitude"


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