The Grapes
The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes The Grapes

Le Grapes - Pub Historique à Limehouse, Londres

Le Grapes est un pub historique situé à Limehouse, Londres, datant de 1583. Ce lieu emblématique a survécu au Blitz et a une riche histoire liée à des écrivains renommés tels que Charles Dickens et Arthur Conan Doyle. Propriété de Sir Ian McKellen, célèbre acteur et réalisateur, Le Grapes offre une atmosphère chaleureuse et authentique, imprégnée de récits maritimes fascinants. Avec son intérieur sombre et boisé, ce pub est un véritable joyau pour les amateurs de bière et de vin. Venez découvrir l'ambiance unique du Grapes, où l'histoire se mêle à la convivialité d'un bar traditionnel anglais.

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#Pub #Restaurant #Beer #View #London
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Ian Mckellen’s pub (lord of the rings)"


"L'un des bâtons originel de Gandalf utilisé sur le tournage est derrière le bar"


"Pub inglese con ottimi fish and chips e hamburger. Proprietà dj Ian McKellen Vista su Tamigi"


"Pub de Ian Mc Kellen (Gandalf)"


"Pub de Gandalf"


"old school pub owned by Gandalf LOTR"


"Old pub Since 1583 Dickens used to drink here Owned by sir Ian McKellen"


"Dates from 1583 Dickens makes another appearance here, as The Grapes is supposedly the pub described in the opening of Our Mutual Friend. It’s another of our oldest pubs with a dark history, as unsavoury longshoremen reportedly drowned drunk patrons in the Thames – something the current owner, actor Ian McKellen, chose to gloss over in his history of the place. Monday is the day to visit, as the thespian has been known to run the pub quiz from time to time!"


"super cosy pub by the river"


"Excellent food, excellent beer, excellent atmosphere! Independently owned. Charles Dickens rented the attic room while he was in London so the bar has original drawings of Dickens characters everywhere. It is also next door to Ian McKellen’s house (AKA Gandolf) who saved the pub from bankruptcy. Gandolf’s staff is behind the pub bar. "


"Charles Dickens lived in attic of pub. Saved by Ian Mckellen (Gandalf. Lives in house with pink column and yellow man statue "


"Pub storico preferito da Dickens e oggi di proprietà dell’attore che interpreta Gandalf"


"Plus vieux bar / Ian McKellen "


"pub di Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf)"


"Petit pub où déjeuner avec vue sur la Tamise, propose de vrai plat et un moment hors du temps 🎣"


"Famous riverside pub owned by Sir Ian McKellen"


"Narrow downstairs bar with small Thames-side terrace and upstairs restaurant dating from 1583."


"bouffe pas ouf mais pub sympa et proprio acteur de Gandalf"


"Owned by Ian McKellan, 1720s pub "


"Unique but not special. “Not much lateral space” says the american. Great old school pub"


"Sir Ian McKellen's pub. Phenomenal pies and stunning views over the river and Canary Wharf."


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